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Valera Targaryen:

(With silver blonde hair and lilac eyes ofc)

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(With silver blonde hair and lilac eyes ofc)

105 AC

When Princess Valera got back to her bed chambers, she instructed Ser Erryk not to let any one into her room. He agreed before the Princess rushed in and sat on the floor before the fire that had been kept up during her absence.

Valera began to go through the letters, spreading the ones she liked out on her rug. The ones Valera didn't like, she sat to the side in a pile so she could give them back to her father.

Within 10 minutes, Valera had narrowed her selection down to only 2 suitors.

Even then, the Princess was unhappy.

She knew that these were not all her options, but she did not wish to chose a husband, not now.

Princess Valera was Queen Aemma's first successful pregnancy, having had two previous miscarriages before her. Even then, the pregnancy was not easy and neither was the birth.

Valera had heard the Maesters whispering about how her mother was bedded too early, causing irreparable damage to her womb.

The Princess was worried that this could happen to her, she did not want to go through the pain that she often saw her mother in.

The two letters before her were proposing Ser Harwin Strong and a Prince Qoren Martell.

She chose Ser Harwin Strong because of their closeness. If she had to marry someone, he would be one of her favored choices. They got along well and when Valera brought Harwin to the Dragon Pit, he stood without fear in front of Silverwing. Silverwing even allowed the young man to touch her.

The Princess chose Prince Qoren Martell only because it would be a wise political move. Valera had not yet met the Prince but heard good things. The Triarchy were trying to pull Dorne into the war over the Step Stones. A war the King could no longer ignore.

Valera also heard he was very good looking. A 'lean, muscular man who is taller than most in Dorne.' the Princess had recalled when considering. He was black of hair and his eyes were green, one of Valera's favorite eye colors besides the Valyrian violet.

The sound of stone scraping snapped the Princess from her thoughts. She recognized this sound and quickly collected the papers, shoving them under one of her seat cushions.

Valera stands, brushing her skirt off with her hands and walked over to the west wall; near her bed where her uncle has appeared. The Princess jumps on to her uncle, flinging her arms around him.

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