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As Daemon was leading his niece through the halls of the Red Keep, he groaned in dismay.

The rattle of his armor reminded the Prince of the state he was in. Coming to a halt, Daemon turned to Valera and told her to wait in the gardens for him while he got cleaned up.

Valera protested, wanting to come with him but he insisted she wait in the gardens for him. Before the two departed, Daemon told Valera, "find me a flower, whatever one you think I'd like," hoping it'd keep her attention until he returned for her.

The Princess did as told, happily strolling through the garden, taking note of each flower she saw. The one flower that really drew the girls attention was a dark red that had a cream center. The flowers name was Dragons breath, and Valera thought it was the most fitting for her lover. A bit obvious of a choice but the Princess liked how the red faded into an almost black color. It's name also reminded her of Daemon because he did have the breath of a dragon, his words spewing hotly and without hesitation.

Princess Valera did not know how much time had passed until her handmaiden Talia came to call on her. The tan woman, only 4 years older than the Princess had a mischievous smile upon her lips, leading the princess to inquire.

"Why that look," Valera half whispered, her own small smile coming to play on her lips. Going to her handmaiden, Valera linked their arms together and they began walking.

"Prince Daemon has requested your audience," Talia told Valera, nudging the Princess playfully.

"Finally," Valera breathed out, the girl felt like she had been waiting for hours but she knew that had not been the case.

The Princess was not blessed with the peace of patience , but she could be distracted and that was something Prince Daemon had figured out long ago and has used to his advantage ever since.

The Princess and her handmaiden quickly made their way out of the gardens, gossiping the whole way.

Talia was one of the Princess's closest friends and confidants. Valera was able to chose any girl of her picking that was finished with their training, Valera instantly felt drawn to Talia and they quickly formed a strong bond.

When Valera felt like she had no one in court, she at least knew she had Talia and she trusted the woman with most if not all of her secrets.

Talia brought Valera just outside the Sept, near a large tower.

Valera thanked her handmaiden and dismissed her before skipping over to her uncle. Daemon stood to the back of the Sept, hands held behind his back. His hair was slicked back behind his shoulders and still wet from having bathed.

Valera held the red and black flower out in front of her, a wide smile spread across her face, "Dragons breath," the Princess cheered.

Daemon smiled softly at his niece, finding amusement in the childlike nature she still held on to, "it is a beautiful flower," he told his niece.

The Prince took the flower from Valeras delicate touch and brought it up to his nose, inhaling the fragrance it gave off. The flower was surprisingly sweet but had an almost smokey hint to it.

"Do you like it?" Valera beamed, her eyes just as wide as her smile. Daemon brought his pointer finger underneath the girls chin and raised her face so she was looking directly up at him.

Valera Targaryen: The Storm BringerWhere stories live. Discover now