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Valera Targaryen rushed down the dark, empty corridors; a black hood pulled up over her silver hair. The only sound she heard was the light crackling of the torches upon the wall and her feet pattering against the stone.

After receiving the message from Kings Landing, Valera knew she couldn't stay in Dorne any longer. She needed to go home and she needed to go home now.

But first, she needed to find Daemon.

Just before slipping down into one of the back stair cases, Valera heard someone call out for her. She tensed when she heard the silky, familiar voice. Valera mentally scolded herself for getting caught and not moving faster.

Turning around, Valeras doe eyes met with Qorens intense stare, "where do you think you're going?" He stood only mere feet behind her, like he had simply appeared there out of thin air.

"I have to go home," Valera answered matter of factly, a small bite in her voice as she spoke to the man before her. Valera turned back around after speaking and quickly descended the steps. Behind her, she heard the thudding of Qorens large boots as he followed after her.

"You are in no condition to make that journey, Valera," Qorens words echoed against the spiraling stair case but Valera only ignored her betrothed, her mind already set on what she was to do.

Valera hastened her steps and clutched the satchel she had hanging across her chest as she felt Qoren gaining on her, annoyed at the sudden switch in his mood towards her; having not spoken to her since the night Daemon left. After Daemon stormed out of the palace, Qoren came to Valeras chambers that night to speak to her about their future and their relationship. The conversation did not end well.

"Valera," the man groaned, reaching out to grab her shoulder. Valera shrugged his hand off, wishing he would just leave her alone like he had been, "Valera you must stop!"

Valera spun around suddenly at Qorens demand, just before reaching the door at the end of the stare case. The abrupt stop caught Qoren off guard, almost causing him to fall in to her. Valera placed a hand on his chest, helping to steady him so he would not hit her.

"I mustn't do anything!" She bit towards the man who stared at her with bewilderment. "You do not understand," Valera insisted, "I have to go," an intense seriousness was laced through her voice.

"Why? How are you to get there? None of our ships are manned or ready to depart!" Qoren reached out for Valeras hands, brining them in to his own. "Let me come with if you must."

The Prince knew there was almost no possibility of having a successful relationship with the Targaryen girl but he still cared for her and wanted to at least try.

Since the first time Qoren laid eyes on the silver haired, lilac eyed Princess, he was infatuated with her. She had a glow about her and he didn't believe he had ever seen anyone or anything so beautiful in his entire life. As he got to know her, she became even more beautiful to him, she was strong, resilient, kind, humorous and loyal.

When Valera first arrived in Dorne, Qoren remembered how frail and weak she seemed in comparison to how she held herself at the feast. Valera was a shell of who he first met after losing her mother and brother. Her eyes held large bags underneath them and her cheeks were sunken in. He remembered how he thought she looked like she was dying.

The state she arrived in was one of the reasons he insisted that at least he or Arianna would eat with her during meals. He wanted to make sure his lady wife to be was healthy and properly taken care of; something he thought the people in Kings Landing cared for but he was now not so sure of.

"Silverwing will care for me," Valera told him meekly, squeezing the rough hands of the man in front of her, " I have to go Qoren..."

The Prince tightened his hold on the girls hands, "Valera you are not cared for there!" Qorens voice was raised in a sense of urgency, "don't you remember the state you were in when arriving here?"

"That was my own doing!" Valera admitted to her betrothed, a hiss behind her words, "I did not eat for days on days, I did it to myself."

At this, Qoren did not respond but instead just looked at Valera with a pained expression. After a few moments of silence, Qoren spoke once more, his voice breaking as he did so, "will you return to me?"

Valera inhaled sharply, her eyes softening as they met his sparkling amber orbs, "I... I do not know..."

At her response, Qoren sighed. The tan man pulled Valera into his chest tightly, inhaling the intoxicating scent that she carried with her. A scent he had once been so familiar with he didn't notice it. The two held each other silently for awhile, a somberness shared between them.

"Wherever I go, you will always be welcome, V," Qoren whispered into the black cloak that Valera had covering her small frame. The two royals pulled away just slightly from the embrace and one of Valeras hands came to rest upon the cheek of her betrothed.

Her thumb caressed his cheek lovingly as she stared deeply into his eyes. Valeras heart tugged as she noticed the mournful look that was written across his beautifully sculpted features.

Even though she knew what she needed to do, Valera couldn't help the pain she felt knowing that she may not see Qoren again for a long while.

Slowly, Valera leaned in, going up on to her tippy toes to reach her betrothed. She placed a kiss so delicate upon his lips that he barely felt it but he was sure it happened, having tasted the sweetness of her lips.

"Thank you for taking care of me, Ren."

With that, she turned away and disappeared out the creaking wooden door and into the darkness of the night.

Authors note

Heyyyy, just giving y'all a little bonus chapter that shows some of Qoren and Valeras relationship since I didn't dive much into it while she was in Dorne


Valera Targaryen: The Storm BringerWhere stories live. Discover now