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The next day, Valera sat staring down at the table in the small council meeting, rolling the red stone she used to "check in" between her hands as she wait for her father.

Otto Hightower sat with his eyes fixed directly on the Prince Daemons empty chair, an oddly joyous look on his face as he looked between the chair and the Princess next to it.

When the Princess woke in the morning, her uncle was gone and her bed was cold so she assumed he had gone back to his own chambers after she fell asleep or before she awoke.

This upset the girl greatly but she didn't not let herself ponder on it much, too exhausted from the previous few days.

When the King came into the small council room, everyone except for the Princess stood to bow and as the King approached the table, Otto Hightower began to speak.

"Before we begin, your grace, I have a report I feel compelled to share..." the man cleared his throat, making eye contact with the silver haired girl who now looked at him, giving her a devious look.

"Last Night, Prince Daemon bought out one of the pleasure houses on the Street of Silk... to entertain officers of the City Watch and other friends of his," Otto Hightower spoke with pleasure, waiting for the girls reaction.

As the man spoke and the girl grasped his words, her heart began to sink. She felt dirty all of the sudden and a new type of pain began to claw its way through her body. It started where her heart was and slowly sunk in deeper, spreading to her stomach, throat and head.

"He toasted to Prince Baelon," the man paused for dramatic effect, "styling him, 'the heir for a day'."

Princess Valera stared at Otto Hightower as he delivered this news, watching as he took pleasure in the pain that the news he brought, caused. Her eyes were pricked with tears as the girl gulped and let her gaze fall down to her lap as thoughts consumed her mind.

"I corroborated this report with three separate witnesses...the evening was, by all accounts a... celebration."

At those words, the Princess stood from her chair and rushed from the room, emotions she couldn't even place had began to come over her. The girl walked without an original destination in mind and she cried whatever tears she was able to muster, already severely dehydrated. Valera found her self making her way to Daemons chambers as she sorted her thoughts and feelings.

She felt betrayed. She knew Daemon was upset with her but she didn't think he would take his anger it to such lengths.

She felt angry. She was angry at her lover for entertaining other girls before coming to her so he could finish himself off.

She felt alone. Her mother died on the commands of her father so he could get the son he wanted, only for him to die a few hours later. Now, Valera felt as though she has lost Daemon.

When the men standing guard at the princes chamber doors saw the state the Princess was in, they quickly announced her and opened the doors for her.

The Prince was sitting on the edge of his bed, looking disheveled like he just woke up. The man was rubbing his eye and groaning at the sunlight that shined from his balcony.

"Ñuha jorrāelagon," my love, the Prince spoke as he stood from his bed and turned to face the distraught Princess.

"Tell me it is not true!" The Princess demanded through soft sobs, her breath was heavy, "tell me you did not do what they claim!"

Daemon looked at his niece in confusion, a hangover obviously weighing the man down, "what?"

"An heir for a day," the girl sobbed out the words, feeling disgusted with herself at even repeating what she had been told, "and-and you partied with your whores before coming into my bed!" Valera hiccuped through the words.

The Prince groaned in dismay, realizing the affect his drunken actions are now having. Daemon walked towards the crying girl, holding out his hands towards her but she backed away from him.

Valera held her hand out in front of him, telling him to stop between sobs. The Prince looked at the girl apologetically, his stomach lurching with emptiness and the guilty feeling that began to grow in it.

"I did not lay with anyone besides you," Daemon told the crying girl before him, reaching out to grab her hands in his again. Valera slapped her lovers hands away from herself before sliding down against the wall to sit on the floor, "It was for my men," he told her, hoping it would ease some of the hurt. "I promise," Daemon tried to tell her, kneeling before Valera to try and hold eye contact with her.

"You dishonor me," the girl cried out, almost screaming it in the man's face before her, "you buy out a whore house, entertain them, get drunk with them and then come to me when you get bored."

"No...no Valera no," the Prince shook his head and placed his hand on the girls knee that was bent up to try and hide her face. The Princess flinched away at Daemons touch, not wanting him to touch her with the same hands that so recently explored other woman.

"You dishonor my baby brother!" Valera screamed at the man, her hand flying up to swiftly smack across her uncles face. Daemon stumbled back up to his feet in surprised, holding the side of his cheek that the Princess struck, "you insult a dead child!"

The Prince swore, turning from his lover while trying to maintain his composure. The Targaryen Prince knew he was in the wrong but he never stood for someone laying a hand on him or for disrespecting him in anyway.

Valera stumbled back up to her feet, brushing the hair back from her face, "why would you do this..." the Princess stated more than asked. At these words, Daemon turned back to face his niece.

"I..." the man stuttered and ran his hand through his hair, "Valera I am so sorry..."

"Leave me alone," the Princess told her uncle before turning and leaving his bed chambers against his protests. As the Princess exited the room, she passed her fathers Royal messenger who was just about to be announced to the Prince.

Tears began to fall even harder as the Princess went back to her own chambers.

She did not know if she could ever forgive the Prince for what he had done.

He not only betrayed her, but her family and her mother and brothers memory.

Valera thought that he loved her but she didn't understand how could someone who loves you could hurt you so deeply.

Valera Targaryen: The Storm BringerWhere stories live. Discover now