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Kings Landing

Two moons after Prince Daemon Targaryen and Princess Valera Targaryen married under the Valyrian Gods, the great houses from all around the seven kingdoms descended on to Kings Landing. This time, for Viserys Targaryen and Alicent Hightowers marriage celebrations and it was one to remember.

The festivities lasted a fortnight and was one of the most lavish weddings that the Kingdoms had ever seen. Lady Alicent ordered that she must have an extravagant white-gold dress made for her wedding after being brought Valeras wedding dress and insisting that it must be better than hers. Alicent enjoyed the white and gold theme Valera had chosen and decided she would steal it from her soon to be step-daughter in hopes it may inspire some annoyance.

Alicent demanded that her dress must be made from the finest of fabrics and the whitest of whites. That the gold sewn into her dress must be of the purest form. It took several seamsters and seamstresses to make the final product but when she was done, the gown was said to have cost more than a dragons egg.

Prince Daemon and Princess Valera were noticeably absent from the Viserys and Alicents marriage ceremony, only arriving later in the night during the feast. The couple dressed head to toe in black, their garments having silver stitching and links decorating the dark fabric. Both Targaryens also sported one of their many crowns as a taunt to the new queen and remind her of her position. Traditionally, wearing a crown at a royal wedding was usually only for the bride and groom so for Valera and Daemon to also wear theirs, was to insult the new couple, which the two Targaryens knew yet did with glee. Valera and Daemon have always been happy to stir the boiling pot that was King Viserys court.

At the blatant disrespect Valera and Daemon showed the new Queen, the court and common folk began to gossip of the tensions at court. Mostly true rumors were made and spread of the Queen and Princess distaste for one another and soon and many began to take sides, effectively splitting the court in to two sides where as the common folk largely supported Princess Valera who they believed to be chosen and blessed by the gods.

When Valera was happy, so were those in Kings Landing.

Their outfitssss

Their outfitssss

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