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The Life of Valera Targaryen
Written by:
Maester Aemon

89 AC

The night Viserys Targaryen and Aemma Arryns first child came into the world, Kings Landing was under attack.

Not by any enemy, but nature.

Light cracked across the night sky and a herd of horses trampled the clouds above.

The ground shook but no buildings fell nor man.

In the morning, many of the common folk whispered about a ball of fire that fell in to the East Sea.

Some say it wasn't a ball of fire, but rather a dragon.

Aemma Arryn labored for almost two nights before the Princess was born.

The maesters weren't sure if the babe would come but as the storm began, her labor final picked up.

Aemma's screams were said to be heard in flea bottom, only being downed out at the height of the storm.

During lauds (about 3am) Valera Targaryen, first of her name, the Storm Bringer, was born.

Valera was the perfect picture of Valyrian beauty, even at birth.

Her eyes were a beautiful marbled lilac and she was born with a head of silver blonde hair.

The Old King held a celebration that lasted a Fortnight in honor of his granddaughters birth.

King Jaehaerys and Good Queen Alysanne were infatuated with the newest member of their family.

The young girl grew up getting everything she wanted, rarely hearing Daor No from her mother, father or grandparents.

Valera wasn't only loved by her family, but also the people of Kings Landing.

They believed she was blessed by the gods, because of how she came in to the world and what many of them thought they saw that night.

A flaming ball of fire, or dragon, depending on which source you believe, hit the ocean next to the Red Keep.

Aemmas screams scesed and never picked up again.

The night Princess Valera came into this world, was a magical one, but no one yet knew exactly what that meant.

Authors Note

I altered the time line slight for the purpose of the story. Viserys and Aemma originally were married in 93AC but I am having them married at 89AC with Viserys at 17 years old and Aemma at 14, with Valera being her first pregnancy and first successful one as well.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy the story!

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