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105 AC

The celebrations stopped as the news of the Queens passing spread through the court and townspeople, and the grief worsened when the passing of Prince Baelon came only a few hours later.

When Prince Daemon heard of the Queens passing and the reaction Valera had, he left the tournament instantly, forfeiting the joust.

Daemon found Princess Valera in her chambers, still passed out but now in her bed. Her light blue duvet that was stitched with golden flowers was pulled up right under the shoulders of the princess. The Prince pulled a chair up next to the girl and waited for her to wake up, holding her hand or caressing her face the entire time.

By the time the Princess had awoken, the sky was dark and her younger brother, Prince Baelon had also passed from unknown causes. When she was informed of this, the girl began to sob again. Every feeling the girl had inside of her, spilled out. She cried that her mother was killed for nothing and she cried to the gods to let her mother to come back to her.

Even the Prince Daemon was unable to comfort the girl as she cried. Valera screamed at her uncle for being there after ignoring her for so long, telling him to go away. The Prince refused and apologized to his niece, telling her that he is sorry for what his brother has done and that he did not wish to leave her alone in such a state.

Daemon had gone to the birthing room before seeing the Princess so he could see what the girl saw, having heard it made the steel stomached Princess he knew pass vomit and collapse into unconsciousness. He was horrified by what he saw inside. The Queen still lay in her bed, uncovered and still open. All the color was gone from her and she was beginning to look grey.

The Prince demanded for the Queen to be cleaned and prepared, disgusted that they had done nothing to protect his good sisters dignity. Queen Aemmas handmaidens, who were in the corner, crying together, instantly listened and began preparing the woman's body, still crying.

That night, Maester Mellos had to sedate Princess Valera to get her to calm down and sleep once more. Her sobs persisted for hours even when she had no more tears left to cry.

"What she saw today was very traumatic..." the older man told Price Daemon when he asked if his lover would be okay. The maester sighed and looked at the Price who gave his a disgusted look, "the best thing for her right now is rest, much of it."

The Prince dismissed the maester without another word and continued to sit with Valera through the night until sleep started to overtake his own body.

The next day, preparations were made for the Queen and Prince's funeral. Two pyres were built side by side, one much smaller than the other. The Princess slept most of the day away, refusing all food and visitors, hardly speaking a word. Valera only got up from her bed to ready for her mothers funeral when it was time.

Valera Targaryen: The Storm BringerWhere stories live. Discover now