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The Princess ran crying from King Viserys' bed chamber, leaving in a fit after her father declared she must go on a tour to meet the lords of the kingdom and in return, leaving her uncle.

Valera tan from her fathers apartments at the top of Maegor's Holdfast to Daemons apartments where she hoped he would be.

As the Princess tan from King Viserys' chambers, the clouds outside began to darken and a low rumble that sounded every few minutes. Before Valera had made it to Prince Daemons apartments, the sky began to cry with her.

Valera pushed through the doors that lead to the Prince's bedchamber, ignoring the two guards posted out front. When the Princess saw that her uncle was not there, she pushed all of the air out of her lungs: leaving a scream that rung through the halls of the Red Keep.

At the same time Valera screamed, a line of lighting fell from the sky, striking the Sept of Baelor, causing a few of the bricks on the side to crumble and fall from their place.

The guards who were posted outside came rushing into the room, swords in hand. When they saw that the Princess was not in danger, they sheathed their swords and one asked if the Princess was okay.

"Where is he!" The Princess demanded to know. One of the guards told Valera he would go find him and left in a hurry and the other asked the Princess if she needed anything, to which she responded, 'Daemon'.

The Princess dismissed the Kings Guard and he left the room, leaving the Princess to herself.

Valera went to her uncles bed and curled herself into his comforter and cried into his pillows. His sheets hadn't yet been changed so they still smelled like the Prince to Valeras pleasure.

Less than 15 minutes had passed but it felt like hours to the Princess before she heard the door to her uncles room open.

"Dõna riña," Sweet girl, Prince Daemons voice rung out loudly. He sounded frantic, his words came out in a hurry and his eyes bolted around his room, looking for his beautiful niece.

Valera jumped from her uncles bed and ran to him, eyes puffy and tears still running. Daemon wrapped Valera in his arms, squeezing her tightly.

"Syz issi," It's okay, Daemon cooed, hand running down her head, smoothing her hair, in an attempt to soothe the girl.

"Kesīr sir iksan" I am here now, The Prince told his niece as she cried into his white cloth shirt. Daemon picked Valera up and carried her to the seating cushions so they could be next to the fire.

Once Valera had calmed down some, Daemon questioned what had upset the girl so much. The Princess explained what had happened when she went to see her father tonight through sobs.

When the Prince heard what had happened, he was infuriated. Earlier in the day, Daemon had gone to see his brother. They had a heart to heart and Daemon asked for his marriage with Lady Rhae Royce be annulled, once more. The King told his brother that he would think about it, but it was clear now to Daemon that his brother had lied to him.

"Come," Daemon told Valera, setting her back on to her feet and rising to his own. Daemon brought the girl to the chest at the end of his bed. Inside there were multiple black cloaks with hoods. He handed his niece one and told her to put it on, which she did.

Valera Targaryen: The Storm BringerWhere stories live. Discover now