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106 AC
Kings Landing

The sun shown brightly, heating up everything it touched. The sky gave no rest to the earth, almost blending in to the sea. Despite this, the occupants of Kings Landing took to the outdoors to enjoy the day; having been covered in storm clouds and rain for almost the entirety of the past sennight.

Amidst the buzz of everyday activities, a few people slowly began to hush those around them, directing their attention up to the sky. Children stopped running and playing, bakers came from their shops, whores even stopped working to gaze up at the sky in awe.

Slowly, murmurs of confusion began trickling through the streets of Kings Landing as the residents watched the distinct figures of a silver and red dragon approach their city. The voices grew as the dragons got closer, becoming a buzzing that echoed off the buildings, like the sound of a beehive.

The dragons flew so close to the city that the air pushed by their wings caused many people to lose their footing. Silverwing would swoop down, weaving in and out of the city streets and between buildings, startling many of those who had stuck their heads out of their windows to see the Prince and Princesses homecoming. Some of the men and woman who got a closer look of the Princess Valera as she flew, swore they saw a major change in the girl. They swore up and down that the Princesses belly was swollen, sending out a rumor that spread like wildfire and informed those she was to rule, that she was with child.

King Viserys was with the Lady Alicent Hightower in the gardens of the Red Keep when he was interrupted by the distinct screeching that sounded from the Blood Wrym. Knowing the distinct voice of his brothers dragon, Viserys immediately excused himself and went to investigate the nature of Daemons return.

Storming from the castle, Viserys wracked his brain for the reason his brother had come back and how he should deal with him.

What King Viserys didn't expect to see free walking through the courtyard doors, was his daughter, who was heavily pregnant and being helped off of her dragon by his brother. The King froze in shock at the sight of his daughter and her enlarged abdomen. Not knowing what to think, ask or believe; he just simple stood there silently, his jaw slightly slack.

Climbing off of Silverwing, Valera could see through her peripheral vision that her father was staring at her as Daemon helped her from her Dragon. Seeing her fathers displeasure at their unexpected, unwelcome arrival, Princess Valera felt a sense of a prideful contentment. Now watching him with her sharp gaze, she could almost see the wheels in his head grinding and breaking against each other as it dawned on him that his daughter was almost certainly pregnant with his own brothers, child.

"Father," Valera spoke coldly, her jaw tight and face void of any emotion. After reviling in her fathers dismay, the memory's of the last month she spent in Kings Landing all seemed to hit her again. Her heart felt like it was being crushed in someone's palm and suddenly the familiar feeling of nausea overcame her.

Daemon stood next to his niece, their hands intertwined as he silently basked in the joy he got from seeing his brothers dumbfounded look. Feeling Valera tense next to him, the man squeeze her hand lightly, hoping to reassure her.

Viserys stared silently for a few more seconds after his daughter spoke before also speaking; hoping to find his train of thought and any of the words he seemed to forget.  "What..." he looked between the two couple, still in disbelief at what he believed he was looking at, "are you doing..."

Even though Valeras physical frame was quite small, she held a protruding sense of power that caused her father visible discomfort. The King knew his daughter was special and almost certainly favored by the gods. Due to this, Viserys feared her greatly, no knowing the extent of her abilities. The only time he ever felt her power diminish was right after the passing of her mother and brother but now that she was back, he had never felt so weak in comparison.

"No," Valera spat, stepping toward the man she no longer wished to call her father, "what are you doing." The words were less of a question, and more of a demand for information, causing the King to gulp.

"You should be in-

"I was never going to stay there!" Valera spoke harshly cutting off her fathers attempt to change the direction of the conversations. "If you thought any different then you're no better than a drunken puppet."

Besides her, Daemon Targaryen chuckled at Valeras words, knowing that she got her sharp tongue from him.

Until about the age of 6, Valera was a relatively mild child until Daemon piqued her interest in the "manlier" side of life.

As Valera spoke next, she got louder with each word. Every hormone fueled emotion she felt towards her Father in the past 6 moons spilt from her with no remorse. "How do you plan to marry that Hightower cunt and not even tell me yourself! Having Maester Mellos write me a common invite to the wedding!" Valera heaved as she relayed the information, everyone around her silent. "I am your daughter! I am your first born! Did you just plan to marry me off to the Dornish and have Alicent Hightowers son replace me?!"

As Valera spoke, slowly the clear blue sky began gathering clouds seemingly out of no where and a low rumbling began sounding from the heavens.

The citizens of Kings Landing quickly began gathering into their houses, familiar with the rapidly changing weather that only seemed to occur when their Princess was at court.

The iron clad men watched the sky in a mixture of amazement and horror as the Princess continued to berate her father. The clouds seemed to darken but no rain fell, only the sound of a stampede came from above. Silverwing and Caraxes had taken back up to the sky, circling the castle in a some what menacing fashion; swooping down near the courtyard occasionally.

Finishing her tangent, Valera paused for a moment, seeing if her father was going to respond. Realizing he wasn't going to speak, Valera said one final thing before pushing past and into the castle gates.

"I will not allow you to replace me like you have my mother."

Valera Targaryen: The Storm Bringerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن