unlucky match

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Sapnap was never close with his parents he was never at home because his parents just ignored him or yelled at him.

He literally just slept there if even that he mostly stayed at his boyfriends house Karl's parents were very supportive of him moving in and understood his troubles at home and always welcome him in.

Sapnap has played football for almost 13 years starting when he was just 3 years old.

Sapnaps semi final was today and he couldn't have been more nervous he played keeper so probably the most stressful position.


When the game started in the first five seconds the other team had dribbled the ball down to sapnaps goal and took a shot. Sapnap tried to save it but it completely slipped through his fingers in the back of the net.

The other team celebrating and cheering.

As the match went on it seemed like sapnap just couldn't save anything.

The score now being 7,0

When the final whistle finally blew sapnap just felt so disappointed in himself he fell to his knees covering his face with his hands. Karls heart just broke he knew his boyfriend was crying.

Karl ran over from the sideline to him cupping his face making him look up at him

"Hey baby it's ok C'mon let's go shake hands C'mon" he said picking his boyfriend up.

Sapnap sprinted off to go shake hands with the other team fighting back tears the whole time.

His coach called his team over in the huddle he stood beside dream who had his arm tightly around him as he silently chocked back sobs not wanting to cry Infront of his team.

When the coach was speaking he mentioned a few things about sapnaps saves which just made him feel worse about the whole thing feeling he let the whole team down he let a few tears fall during it.

When the talk was finished his coach called him over.

"Sapnap what the fuck was that! You need to be on top of your game the whole time ok so if I see anymore of this gayness you running around with that little boyfriend of yours you are off the team got it no distractions you were absolute bull shit today!" He shouted in sapnaps face his finger in his chest

Sapnap stared at the ground as tears fell nodding his head slightly.

His coach smacked him across the face. "You even listening to me fág on top of your game!" he said pushing him away making him fall to the floor.

"Get out of my sight it's all your fault we lost toady!" He shouted kicking him as sapnap scrambled up.

Sapnap walked away dream ran up to him putting his arm around him.

"Oh my gosh sap did he hit you!?" Dream asked very concerned.

"Doesn't matter" he cried wiping his tears on his arm pushing dreams arm away from him grabbing his bag quickly then sprinting off to his car seeing Karl standing there already.

He ran up to him sobbing.

"Aww hey it's alright baby it happens ok it was just a bad match alright" Karl comforted him immediately bringing him into his arms holding him tightly as sapnap sobbed.

"Sh sh sh it's alright ok it's in the past now" Karl comforted helping sapnap in the car who curled yo next to the window his knees leaning against the door sobbing hysterically into them.

Karl feeling so bad for him. He knew sapnap would just want to be home and cuddle right now so he just started the car driving off in silence.

When they got to Karl's parents house Karl let them in.

Karl parents were in the living room when they came in.

"Oh Nicky what happened darling?" Karl's mother asked. Standing up walking briskly over to them wiping sapnaps tears.

"Bad match" Karl whispered at them motioning to take sapnap upstairs.

Sapnap fell onto Karl's bed crying again but slightly more quietly more like whimpering.

"Sweetheart can I see your face please" Karl asked suddenly seeing a red mark that looked in the shape of a hand print.

"Sapnap did he hit you" Karl asked shocked.

Sapnap nodded his head. His face in his hands.

"Oh sweetie what did he say to you" Karl asked turning sapnap.

"He told me that I need to be on top of my game and that I should stop all this gay stuff as it's a distraction" sapnap whimpered through hiccups

Sapnap just sobbed harder bringing his knees to his chest.

"Then he hit me a-and called me a fág" he mumbled into his knees. Karl gasped.

"He's not wrong I-i deserve it" sapnap cried.

"I-i shouldn't be on that team I can't save for shit" he sobbed.

"I bet everyone thinks that, I bet they all hate me! It's my fault we aren't in the final" he sobbed.

Sapnap stood pacing the room until he knees seem to buckle below him he pushed himself back against the door attempting to take deep breaths.

Karl looked absolutely shocked.

"Sapnap I've seen you play well your a great player ok you just got unlucky it's fine ok what your coach did is completely out of line you played fantastic"

Karl pulled sapnap onto his lap as he held him.

"I just wanted to do good" he said softly his voice cracking"

"And you did ok, you tried your best ok" Karl said picking him putting him in bed.

"My baby it's ok you did everything you were meant to"Karl whispered.

Sapnap slowly drifting off.

Sapnap woke up to Karl shaking him awake.

"Karl wha-?" He questioned. Waking up fully.

"Look what dream sent me" Karl said handing Sapnap his phone.

The manager on the other team saw our coach hit sapnap there video proof and all he's been fired and being taken to court.

"What?" Sapnap asked confused and surprised. The coach has never typically been the nicest person he shouted at them a lot but they all thought it was normal and thats just the game.

But no he was gone they'd have a new coach now.

Sapnap ended up loving the new coach he was so much better and helped him through everything guiding him exactly how to save and what to do.

Words 1061
Rushed ending I knoww

Still taking requests for this book and the new book

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