Part 60:

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        (Barely any triggers in this chapter, but really just the aftermath of what happened last time. Swearing)

(In-Ho's POV)

After a couple of minutes, I arrived at Il-Nam's room. Walking through all of the colorful corridors, I thought of everything I had to explain to him. Reliving it angered me again, but I tried to control it, for Y/N's sake, not anyone else's. When the time came, I would surely let all hell loose on that fucking Salesman. How could he do that to her? Whatever the reason, it would not be worth it because of the shit I will do to him for every even daring to think about harming her.

I knocked on the old man's door, and I got no answer. After a few seconds, I decided to just go in, so I twisted the handle and pushed the door open. Il-Nam was not too far from where I was entering, and I could see that he was holding something to his ear, presumably a handheld transceiver, while his back was to me. He was talking to someone. When I took a step into the room, he turned to me, and all of his attention shifted. He cut the person off on the other line though they were mid sentence and looked at me solemnly.

        "I was alerted to a disturbance that occurred in the facility," he said grimly. "There were loud banging sounds and screams."

       I looked at him, waiting for him to continue. I could see that there was more to it. With just two more words, it all pieced together in my mind.

       "Female screams."

       My face dropped, and I immediately got worried, angry, frustrated, all at the same time. I couldn't handle the sudden onslaught of emotions right now.

       "Why the fuck wasn't I told?! Why wasn't it earlier?!"

         Il-Nam looked at me sadly.

        "The manager on the other line said that they attempted to tell you first, but you didn't respond, so they contacted me instead."

        I patted myself down, only feeling the gun in my coat.

        "Shit!" I whisper-yelled.

        I paced around, grabbed the gun out of my pocket and making my way to the door.

        "How long ago?"

       "It has gone on about a couple minutes now, but the report just came in a minute ago."

        I cursed under my breath and ran out of the room. Two soldiers and a manager joined me on the way, jogging after me.

       "The Host could be in danger," I told them, urging them to speed it up. We bee-lined to my room and got there in about 45 seconds. It had taken me a few minutes walking, but we were all sprinting.

         I held my gun up and opened the door cautiously. The soldiers had their rifles raised slightly and the manager had a gun like mine in hand. I knew she wouldn't be yelling had she started hurting or felt something off after yesterday, so I was on edge to see what was happening to her. I slid into the hallway and walked down it, seeing something that sent me through a whirlwind of emotions that far surpassed the amount I felt earlier.

        There was Y/N. She was crouched down against the counter with her head down, and her body shook as she sobbed. I walked quickly over to her and realized that her clothes were gone. I looked towards the staff members that came in the room with me, and they had their eyes on the ground respectfully after they too noticed that she was nearly naked.

        I turned back to the girl and she hadn't yet noticed my presence. Using this moment to take in the scene around me, I saw our mini-fridge overturned and laying on the ground with a substance on the corner of it. It was crimson and looked like blood. With this information, I looked towards the non-living person in the room. He was face down in a small pool of his blood, and he had a hole in the back of his head. It appeared that Y/N beat him to death with a damn mini-fridge.

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