Part 37:

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(Y/N's POV)

I wasn't waiting out in the hallway for too long. For a brief moment, it reminded me of times when kids would have to step out of the classroom after they got in trouble and had to wait on the teacher. That thought brought back memories that were not the best, but nevertheless, I pushed them away and continued to patiently stay put.

In-Ho walked out with his mask on and started walking immediately to my right. I rolled my eyes and followed him. I wished that we had warp pipes. That would be fun. We wouldn't have to do all of this walking. We could just go to a warp pipe, jump in, and arrive at our destination. Of course there would have to be a whole lot of warp pipes, but who cares? It's a cool thought, and it made my day just a little bit better.


When we finally slowed down (after 100 million stairs), I heard the a sound of nearly silent construction and busy chatter. I got pretty excited and squealed quietly. In-Ho gave me an odd look, but I didn't care.

"Come on, let's go in!" I demanded. He straightened up and sighed.

"Of course, Miss Host," he replied monotonously yet somehow still sarcastically.

"Just open the door, Mr Pixels."

He glanced at me and walked to open said door. He stepped in first and held the door for me to which I said thank you. I looked finally at the interior and gasped.

So much was already done. The workers were putting up the last touches on the shape of the room, which was an octagon, and the bottom was chalked with the lines dividing each section. In each section, there was a crack that meant the two halves were not connected to each other. They were yet to put up the boundaries and had a smaller marked off octagon in the middle. It looked like it was a whole room on its own, but of course it was small. It might have been the size of a large bathroom or small bedroom. I was curious as to what it is, but I was sure I'd find out soon enough.

Everyone looked very busy, and it appeared that nobody was slacking, which made me happy. In-Ho was also scanning the room. I saw a familiar man jogging up to the two of us.

"Welcome!" I suddenly recognized him as one of the heads of teams. "Allow me to show you what we have done."

I looked to In-Ho, which I shouldn't have because technically I'm higher up, and he nodded. I smiled back at the man in front of me, and he swiftly turned around and began touring us.

"As you can see, we've already shaped the room up, and we will work on perhaps putting a high quality wallpaper on it or painting it. Do you have a presence as to what it is?" He turned back to us.

"Well, it doesn't really matter to me. Whatever you guys think would fit the theme of the games best or look best with this set up," I replied.

He nodded and turned back around.

"We will most likely do our tradition outside look then. As for everything else, we have everything sectioned off, but we have yet to do the boundaries. As for the center, that is being worked on for your participation, respectively." He continued.

"I'm sorry, my participation?" I questioned.

"Yes, ma'am. You see, the planner thought it would be good for you to be present in this game room, much like Il-Nam wanted. He seemed to think you would be very excited. Unless, you would like me to get a manager to do it?"

"No, no! I would love to!" I stopped him. "But what would I be doing?"

"You do remember tug of war, correct?" In-Ho chimed in.

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