Part 22:

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(Small A/N: I changed the worker's dialogue from Jun-Ho's lines a little of course because they're two different people and won't say the same thing.)

I watched as the players continued to tremble as they looked down towards the ground. You couldn't even avoid it. Everywhere you looked, could possibly look, reminded them of just how high they were. How it was deadly high. Enough to kill them for one mistake.

Even the glass beneath their feet must instill some type of fear. It would be utterly terrifying to stand on glass hundreds of feet above the ground. And me... I'd be dead.

The game room was filled with threats and words of encouragement. Both were filled with a sense of urgency, because these seconds could literally mean life and death to the players. Nobody else in the VIP room felt the sense of nervousness that I did. Everyone else didn't care about these people. They only cared that they put on a good show. Me, though... I knew these people. Some of these people were my friends. I empathized with them because I had been in their shoes multiple times.

The next guy up was somewhat analytical. He was mumbling all of the statistics of dying and doing some very, very impressive mental math. He said something about 10 to the power of 15. The next thing he uttered was some thousands... 30,000 or so. I don't know what that's as supposed to mean, but it it was his chance of survival... that's unfortunate.

He's now going crazy. He's laughing. Just like the old man in the first game.

Then, he leapt. With some crazy amount of energy, he went two in each direction, but fell on the fourth one. The only way I even know this is because of the tiny diorama. The manager recreated it nicely and slower than the guy jumped. All of the man's efforts were in vain because I don't think the players even know where he stepped.

"Excuse me, ma'am," the next spoke. "Do you think you could help me? You happen to remember what he chose next? I can't seem to recall which one now."

That was a bold move. Trusting strangers that only care about themselves in a death game?

The either artificially or naturally, with old age, light haired woman advised him to do something that the other players disagreed with. One man kind of poked at the tiles in the air and tried to calculate it. He was the one that objected. That clearly scared the crap out of the first guy, who was breathing heavily as he listened to them, wondering which one he could trust. He then turned to the woman he asked.

"You, are you sure he went left first?"

The woman gave a single nod, and the man reflected the gesture. He angled himself to the left tile and breathed deeply a few times before jumping. There was an unsettling crack as soon as he hit the glass, and I flinched at his screams. The woman murmured something.

"Take your mask off." the Panther mask's voice rang out. "I want to see your face."

The little noises of the chess pieces moving caught my attention. I looked towards the meticulously crafted bridge. I hoped that the man wouldn't talk again. I didn't feel like hearing his voice.

My friends were the only ones who hadn't yet stepped on a role. Sae-byeok was next to Gi-Hun, and I felt a sharp pain in my chest remembering how he got called "Ssamun-dong" by Ali. Poor Ali. He was too good for this. Too good for this world.

(Ignore this if this doesn't fit you!) I had never really been someone that believed heavily in heaven or hell, but if there was one Ali had to go to, it would be the former. If they both didn't exist, I at least hoped that Ali had found peace.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. It seems like the Frontman has some kind of super-senses or something because he looked at me as soon as I felt the water appear. I wiped it away and refused to meet his gaze, focusing instead on the game taking place. My former group members were wary about the time left and looking at the digital clock.

My eyes drifted to the front of the line and there was a man on his knees. He seemed to be praying. Everyone was yelling at him to go. The guys in front of Deok-Su seemed to get threatened by him, so one hopped on the same tile as the religious man. They fought for about 5-10 seconds or so, and I was covering my mouth. I knew that at least one of them would die from this. They should be working together. They're not the enemies.

There was a loud crash. The previously praying man was victorious in the fight and had thrown his attacker into the tile in front of him.

What possessed me then, I didn't know, because I suddenly let out a quiet laugh. The masked figure next to me turned questioningly to look at me.

"I was just thinking about how awkward it would be if the guy fell into the right tile and it didn't break," I whispered after leaning a bit towards him.

I heard a small chuckle in reply, but of course there were no physical indications. Knowing the man next to me, it easily could've been my imagination. Or some small part of me hoping he thought I was funny. Hoping he laughed at something I said. I willed the girl inside of me to shut up. I didn't want to think about that. I didn't feel like that, did I?

(I'm so sorry you guys I've been so busy 😭)

    Original Publish Date: February 13, 2023

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