Part 33:

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Quick A/N: I don't remember what age I said to possibly imagine In-Ho! It was quite a few chapters ago, and I looked for it, but I can't seem to locate it. If anyone remembers, tell me please. Since I don't know what I said previously, I'll just go with like 29 or 30.

    (Back to the Present Time. Y/N's POV)

     "What the hell? Why do I need to meet your mom?" I asked in disbelief.

     He ran his hand through his gelled hair frustratedly, messing it up a bit, then calmed it back down by smoothing it down. He put his coat down and walked over the mini fridge and got a bottle of water. My focus was now on why he was getting another drink when he still had some Diet Coke left than I was on me having to meet his parent. But, then again, I can relate. No matter how good sugary drinks are, sometimes a water is the way to go.

    "You just do!" He chugged some of the liquid.

    "Well if you even want me to consider it, you need to tell me how the heck it even happened! How would you feel if I randomly came up to you and said 'you need to meet my dad'?" I countered.

    He sighed and walked over to another chair that was close to where I was sitting. He sank comfortably down into the expensive cushioning.

   "I was texting my mom for the first time in a while and told her I got a new job, no specifics. She complained about me not... having any women in my life... and then she asked if I had female coworkers. I told her that there is you, and she said you need to come to dinner. 'No' isn't an option." He explained.

His story made me remember that I hadn't texted my family since I'd come here either. I wondered if they were actually worried about me. All of these thoughts were pushed down at the realization that I still had to meet his mom.

"Why can't you just tell her that... I'm... not available or something like that?"

He rolled his eyes and twisted the translucent white cap off of his drink again.

"She's smart. I said I was finished with a task, and then she told me to come to dinner and bring you. She knew I couldn't refuse since I was free, and I guess she thought you were working on the case with me," he rambled.

     This was an aggravating situation. I knew that if his mother wanted me to come to dinner after learning that I was the only woman he comes into contact with, she thought there was something between us in a less professional way. She could be the innocent type and assume that we were just friends. Maybe he spoke of me that way? I didn't read the conversation, nor did I know the lady, but from what I could gather, she is old enough to have seen her fair share of things that would make her the opposite of naive and oblivious to the nature of things. In-Ho was, what, late 20's? Early to mid 30's? His mom could be anywhere from early 40's to early 70's.

     I exhaled and looked towards the huge, rectangular black mirror in front of me that had first shown me the lively room of players awaiting their demise.


    I saw him slouch a small fraction from relief.

    "On one condition..." I ominously added, always wanting to say that for dramatic effect once I agreed to something. It took a lot not too laugh out loud as he straightened up once again and awaited my rule.

    "You're paying."

     He gave me a death glare and narrowed his eyes. I turned towards him and couldn't hold in my laughter any longer. He might've thought it was something much worse than that. He won the games! He's rich. He won't have to worry about money for the rest of his life. My meal will be of minimal loss to him.

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