Part 41:

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      I just wanted to sit and think about everything that was going to happen. I'm sure we've all had those times where you've felt okay with something and then when the time comes, you're rethinking things or nervous. I knew for sure that I wasn't going to back out or quit, at least not right now, but I just needed some time to myself to make sure that I was as mentally prepared as I can be for what was about to happen tomorrow. After all, I would be a murderer from then on. A criminal. Well, I was already a criminal, but that would really seal the deal. I'd never walk the streets again as somebody who was law-abiding or hadn't done anything illegal.

       I sighed and looked down at my hands in my lap. I ran my fingers over the ones on my other hand and traced the shape down to my fingernails. My hands were fairly soft. I did take care of my body, but I never really had time to appreciate all my work for myself. I traced the lines on my palms, thinking back to the times in America where I would go on those sites that look at the lines of your palm and tell you the percentage you were of different categories. Health, intelligence, love, etc. Of course that stuff wasn't always accurate and real, but it was fun, you know?

       I heard the same heavy footsteps I've gotten used to over the weeks, and I tilted my head back to see In-ago behind me. Who else would it be? Obviously nobody else.

      "Are you okay."

      I can't even say that he sounded like he was asking a question because he didn't. People always have that tone or rise in volume when they end their sentence in a question mark, but he didn't. That was a statement. I assumed that he knew I was thinking.


      He grunted, and I heard him start to walk. I figured that he wouldn't really care about my feelings, but I didn't want to be right. But, as I always say, never get your hopes up because then you can't be let down. It's better to be proved wrong in a good way than a bad one.

      I then felt a dip next to me in the couch. I looked to my right, and In-Ho was sitting there. Looking at him from bottom to top, I saw that he remained sitting up straight with good posture, and he had his mask off. His handsome face never ceased to startle me or make me feel a certain way, so I looked ahead of me.

      "Is it about tomorrow?" He said it in his raw voice since his mask was off, which made me almost smile.


      He sighed and looked in my direction. I wasn't meeting his eyes, I could just see it out of my peripheral vision. I also could see, he couldn't see that I saw, that his gaze was lingering on me for a little bit. He looked away and glanced at his miniature band, probably thinking of his favorite song.

     "Don't be worried. I'm sure it will be fine."

    He wasn't the best at comforting, but that's okay. I looked at him for a second and looked back down to my hands.

     "I guess..."

     I saw him roll his eyes, and I looked at him out of the corner of my eyes and scoffed.

      "Just stop worrying. You'll be fine."

       Okay, he really isn't the best at comforting. He sucked at it. But he was also very detached and apathetic because of his job. Maybe he was like that before. I don't know, and I feel like he probably wouldn't open up to me anyways.

       "That's easy for you to say. You've done this before. Yeah, there was a point of time where you hadn't, but I'm different. I'm not as... emotionless as you are."

He looked at me. I usually pride myself at being able to read people very well. Get an idea of who they are just by observing them for a few minutes, read body language, determine emotions based of facial expressions, but for some reason I couldn't do that this time. I didn't know what he was feeling. Whatever it was, it was gone. He looked away and towards the screen, which made me look too. It would soon be filled with players.

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