My dietician/nutritionist 63

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Antoni point of view

"Listen to him Kevin if you want to know what is going on with her so please sit."

"Fine I will sit down."

Doctor man:
"Thank you Sir's I am sorry but she is not eating and I think she could need a feeding tube after we saw her weight."

"You will not put her on a feed tube."

Doctor man:
"But Sir."

"I will help her to eat don't worry that is my job."

Doctor man:
"Ok Sir I will not put a feeding tube on her but next week I want to know if she have gained weight."

"Yes doctor I will let you know."

Doctor man:
"Also I am sorry to say this but she can't walk or talk anymore I am sorry but we have try everything we can but she won't be able to talk or walk anymore and we had to give her a new heart because of the knife that was stab in her heart."

"So is the heart ok?"

Doctor man:
"Yes it is Sir but we had to put an oxygen tank in till she can breathe from again and it would take blood we also gave her a blood iv."

"I am happy that she is still alive."

"Me too."

"Our poor baby."

"Anything else we should know."

Doctor man:
"Yes she is petty beaten up but any other she can't walk or talk then no."

"Can we go and see her please."

Doctor man:
"Of course Sir's follow me but I would like to let you both know that she is not awake yet."

"Thank you for telling us."

Doctor man:
"Of course guys please let a nurse know if you need me and I will come straight away."

"Thank you doctor I think he is scared of you."

"I think so too but that so a good thing so he can do his job better."


"What it is true."

Doctor man:
"Ok Sir's this is her room I will leave you guys alone now but please let the nurse know if you need me at all."

"We will thank you so much."

Doctor man:
"Of course Sir's."

"Yep you have definitely scared him."

"Like a said before good I am happy that I did that."

"If you say so now come on let see her."

In Riya hospital room

Knock knock

"Come in."

Officer Rick:
"Hey guys all you guys have to do is sign these then she is all yours."

Kevin and Antoni:
"Wait really "

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