My dietician/nutritionist 57

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Drake   River   Mitch  Ryan   Sophia
Geoge  Maxiumum   Junior   Riya


Drake: "Yeah I like it too, let's go."

Drake said and Ryan and River also agreed.

Drake: "Okay pancakes are ready."

Sophia: Drake announced as he brought the pancakes to the table. All of the guys started digging, grabbing pancakes and adding maple syrup and fruits. I grabbed two pancakes and did the same immediately. I ate one but after that I felt full and kind of nauseated so I stopped eating and drank a little bit of water. Drake looked at my plate and then he looked at me confused.

Drake: "You're done?"

Sophia: He asked me. "Yeah I'm full." I said, patting my stomach.

Drake: "You said you were extra hungry and you only ate one pancake baby."

Sophia: He said looking at me more intensely. "Yeah I guess I ate too fast the first one and got full really fast." I said to him, I love him but lately he has been a pain in the ass when it comes to food. He's constantly saying I'm not eating good and I'm skipping meals which isn't true because I just eat smaller portions.

Ryan: "Yeah it has happened to me too."

Sophia: Ryan said. "See? I'll eat more for lunch, don't worry." I said to Drake who rolled his eyes and returned to eating his pancakes.

Drake: "Yeah you better or else you're not leaving the table until you finish all of your food."

Sophia: Dylan said. I just rolled my eyes he always says the same thing.


Sophia: We were currently on the boat chilling while listening to music. The guys were swimming and I was currently doing some tanning feeling the sun warm my skin. I think I slept for a bit because I woke up suddenly because someone threw something on me. I opened my eyes and saw Drake standing above me and then looked down to see that he threw a hat on me. "What?" I asked him.

Drake: "You're in the sun for 30 minutes straight."

Sophia: He said. "Okay sooooo?" I asked again not really understanding his point.

Drake: "You're going to get burned and it's not good for you to be that long in the sun."

Sophia: He said putting on my hat. And crouching in front of me to put sunscreen on me. "Ugh no don't put sunscreen on me." I argued pulling away.

Drake: "Sophia you're already a bit red and it's not good for you to be in the sun without sunscreen for so long."

Sophia: He said as he started applying sunscreen over my body.

Drake: "Glasses off."

Sophia: He said and I took my glasses off. He started putting sunscreen on my face. After that he took my face to his hands and kissed me on my lips.

Drake: "Come on let's go sit somewhere less sunny."

Sophia: He said and I followed him because honestly I was starting to feel a little lightheaded. It's probably because I didn't eat a lot of breakfast and I needed to drink more water. After we sat on the small table under the boat tent I felt a biggest wave of dizziness and closed my eyes.

Mitch: "You okay Sophia? You're a bit red."

Sophia: Mitch said as they all joined us where we were sitting.

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