30. Classroom

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November 18

10:55 AM

I glanced up from my work, noticing the way that students had started getting ready for dismal, piling all of their notebooks and textbooks into their bags. I continued to work away at my overdue assignments that had accumulated over the past months, biting me in the ass once I started receiving emails from my teachers, complaining about the lack of work being handed in.

I finally decided to show up to history class after the brief, though intense interaction with Cillian the following night. The only exchange that we had today was a simple 'Good morning' followed by a friendly nod to each other, something completely normal between a professor and student; it felt refreshing, but I couldn't help but feel a slight stinging pain in my heart when he treated me so.. normally.

As the bell rang, I quickly stood up from my desk, piling all of my own notebooks and textbooks into my bag, watching as the room quickly cleared out, leaving Cillian and I alone in the room. I stared at him as I walked down the steps, watching the way he was working away on the fresh assignments left at his desk right as class started. His glasses sat on the bridge of his nose, and his hair fell loosely against his forehead, his white dress shirt being revealed as he decided to take off the jacket halfway through class. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't distracting me through the whole duration of the lesson.

Right as I passed his desk, I was stopped with the call of my name. His deep, Irish voice sending shivers dancing along my spine, making me regret deciding to leave packing up until the last minute.

"Can you stay after class for a few minutes?" he asked, not bothering to look up from the work he appeared to be fixated on.

"What is it?" I asked standing in front of his desk, glancing at the worksheets that were scattered messily across his desk. "Isn't your second period class going to be coming soon?"

"No. They're doing something across campus today with Miss Elles, hence why she wasn't in class today." he replied taking a quick glance at me through his glasses, catching me off guard for a second after his blue eyes finally met mine.

"Oh," I said, looking around the empty classroom, the sudden speed of my heart increasing once I realized that we were now completely alone. "I have to get to my class, though."

Cillian slowly pushed out his chair, stopping the work that he was doing to look up at me. He leaned back in his chair, his large arms crossing over his desk as he stared at me, fixating on me instead of the work.

"I received a call this morning," he told me, his head tilting to the side slightly as if it were supposed to ring a bell, but I remained silent. "Mrs Caldwell wants to speak to me."

I stared him, refusing to say a word back to him, only leaving him with a blank expression on my face. I just wanted to leave, but I knew I couldn't until I gave him some explanation.

"I don't know," I confessed as I shook my head, shrugging my shoulders. "Do you think that I did something?"

"I'm not sure, but I don't I know f you're telling me the truth," he quickly accused, immediately making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Do you want to tell me anything?"

"I can't tell you anything because I didn't do anything," I snapped back, feeling a surge of anger and adrenaline mixing throughout my body, knowing that what ever was about to happen was not my fault. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Cillian stood up from his desk, making me feel another surge of nerves pulse through my body, a sudden feeling of being flustered making an appearance, too.

Teach Her | Cillian Murphy x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora