3. Doodles

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August 31


"Isn't he just the most attractive person ever?" Sam asked as she went to eat her fourth piece of sushi in a row.

I found myself sitting in a sushi bar with Sam. It was about fifteen minutes away from campus and she mentioned that most people went there after dinner, or for dinner, so she insisted on taking me after I got back to the dorm.

"Well, he's attractive, yes, but definitely not my type." I said reaching for a piece of sushi and shoving it in my mouth, meeting my eyes to Sam. She gave me a look that screamed 'Are you fucking crazy!'

"I can't believe you just said that Cillian is not your type. That is completely insane." She shook her head and took a sip of water, looking at me like I was supposed to own up to something, like I was supposed to admit that he was definitely my type, which he was, but Sam didn't have to know that.

I shrugged and took a sip of my water. "I don't know, his eyes creep me out. Way too blue. They pierce my soul."

"That's the best part. You're lucky if you even get to look into them." She teased with a laugh and pushed the plate of sushi aside, starting to work on the fried calamari that the waitress managed to slip onto the table during our conversation.

"Isn't he like 40? That is way too old for me, way too old for anyone." I protested. It was obvious he was significantly older than the average student.

"42'" Sam corrected. "He's 42."

"That doesn't make it any better!" I rolled my eyes and took another piece of sushi into my mouth. Sam was still shaking her head, in complete disbelief that I wasn't completely in love with this man.

"Okay, but did he look at you?" Sam was treating this as if it was some high school crush and not like he was my history professor that was old enough to be my dad.

"Yeah, a few times." I shrugged again, "He also told me that I shouldn't show up 'late' to class just because I arrived only four minutes before class began. He basically called me out on making a bad first impression."

And with that, Sam laughed out loud, spitting water all over the table. For some reason, she found the fact that I got scolded and subtly called out in front of the class utterly hilarious, but instead I felt a deep sense of shame and embarrassment.

"Follow me." Sam said before reaching into her wallet and pulling out a wad of cash, slapping it onto the table and leaving. I quickly followed behind her, grabbing my jacket and swiftly putting it on as we both headed out of the sushi bar and into the rainy night.

Soon enough we were in the closest town to the campus. It was basically a University town - bars, clubs, and restaurants littered the town, I doubt there was even a grocery story in a 10 mile radius of this place.

"What are we doing?" I asked, following Sam through the crowded sidewalks, watching her as she made her way to a small bar that was located on the street.

"Oh my god, no way!" I yelled, reaching forward and grabbing Sam's wrist before this could go any further than it should be going. "I'm only eighteen! And you're twenty! We cannot go in there, we cannot drink." I said, shaking my head. At times I definitely felt like a know-it-all or a wuss, but this was my first day of university. Getting blackout drunk in a bar, whilst being underage in a random town was not on my bucket list.

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