14. Please

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October 23

10:47 PM

I gazed up at the ceiling while I laid on the couch, trying to grasp what was about to happen, but my attention was shifted back to Cillian who was now between my legs. My mind was spinning, my stomach was churning, I couldn't believe that this was actually happening. My chest was red and tender from where he had been kissing, sucking.

He pressed gentle kisses against my inner thighs, his hands holding my hips down in place, preventing me from moving any further than I already was. I couldn't help it, this was my first time.

His gaze met mine as his lips worked against my inner thighs, teasing me more than I could imagine. My eyes fell shut as a soft moan left my mouth, leaving my cheeks red and my heart racing. Out of pure embarrassment I hesitated but tried squeezing my legs together. I was stopped once his hands shifted from my hips to my thighs, holding my legs open with a firm grip.

"Don't move." he said, bringing my body closer to him, his lips just barely touching me.

I bit my lip, tilting my head back as I tried my hardest to not make any other noises. I could feel his breath against my thighs, his hands not leaving my body. I was restless, squirming in his grip, wanting more than just this.

"Jeane," he whispered, stopping. He looked up at me again, our eyes meeting once I gathered the courage to look at him. He smiled, noticing the red tint to my cheeks. "Have you been touched like this before?"

His words were electric, my body immediately getting warmer just from his words. I hated how easy he made me feel like this, how easy he made me melt. I was putty in his hands even if I hated admitting it.

I nodded shyly, slowly peeling my eyes away from him afterwards.

He didn't respond but I felt the way he pulled me even closer, the way he held me tighter.

"Please." was the only thing that I could say, I could barely think. My mind was swirling, my heart was beating out of my chest.

"Please?" he cooed, repeating my words. "Please what, Jeane?"

His words rang in my head. I didn't even know what I wanted, but I knew that I wanted him.

I didn't respond, too caught up in my own mind to even talk to him. My breathing was shaky and my hands stayed at my sides, occasionally lifting to cover my face, too shy to show how easily I was flustered.

Without warning I felt his tongue carefully brush right between thighs, right against my clit.

My hips lifted in need, needing more than just what he was giving me but I knew that was the last thing I could tell him. I could barely even look at him.

He gazed up at me once more, his eyes glazed over with lust. His thumb gently rubbing my thighs, calming me yet working me up even more. I wanted more of his touch, I wanted him.

"Do you like that?" he whispered, repeating the same motion he did before but with more force. I could tell he was just as eager as me.

I let out a soft whine, begging him to continue, begging him to give me more but he didn't.

"Use your words for me," he asked though I knew it was a demand.

I shook at his touch, unfamiliar to the sensation, but I wanted more and I knew that I was going to have to ask for it even if I felt like I physically couldn't.

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