9. Caught

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Thursday, September 15

9:39 AM

"I'm just letting you all know that next Friday there will be a quiz," Mr. Murphy said to the class, walking over to the front of his desk and leaning against it. I stared at him, I could still feel his thumb against my lips and has hands on my thighs. His touches seemed to always linger even when he wasn't touching me. "It will be on the material we've been learning for the past few days."

All of the students nodded carefully, jotting down the date in their notebooks. I did the same, but looked up once my name was called, not by Mr. Murphy though. It was Mrs. Caldwell.

"Jeane, can I meet with you?" she asked, standing at the door of the classroom, glancing at Mr. Murphy then back at me.

I looked at Mr. Murphy who was already looking at me, then back at her, nodding of course. I knew that him and I were thinking the exact thing. Someone saw us together and decided to tell the director. This was it, this was the last time I was going to see him. This was last time he was going to see me.

"You can bring your things with you," she said, gesturing to my belongings that I had brought with me. "I apologize for the disruption." Mrs. Caldwell announced to the classroom as I quickly scrambled to grab my stuff, immediately walking over to her. I don't know what Mr. Murphy whispered to me as I walked by, but he whispered something.

As I walked out of the classroom, I bit my lip, keeping my head down, trying my hardest not to burst into tears right then and there. I wanted to explain it all and how it wasn't what it looked like, how it wasn't his fault. It was mine.

Mrs. Caldwell shut the door behind her before turning to me. "We're going to go to my office," she said, beginning to walk down the hallway. I followed behind her down the quiet hallways as lectures took place, though I swear I could hear my heart beating out of my chest.

After a five minute walk, which felt like forever, we were finally at her office. She opened the door and I walked in, sitting down at the chair in front of her desk. She sighed, casually lifting up her glasses and using them as a headband.

"Do you know why you're here, Jeane?" she asked, straightening her posture and gently brushing her brown hair out of her face, her brown eyes looking straight into mine.

I didn't know if I was supposed to immediately spill everything; explaining the touching, being in his car, meeting after school, being seen after school hours. Or if I was to play innocent and just lie.

I shook my head. "No." I said, glancing around her office. I knew that it was obvious that I was lying. I looked everywhere but her eyes, I was fidgeting with the sleeves of my shirt, and I couldn't sit still. All I could think about was how this looked just like his office.

"Last night," she started, reaching over and grabbing some papers then onto her glasses again, now wearing them. "At the banquet hall, you volunteered, correct?" she asked, where I nodded in return. "You left early."

I was prepared for the worst at this point. She knew I left early, she knew that we left early together.

"It's okay, but next time you have to tell me. It is extremely dangerous to leave during an event where attendance is taken."

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