18. Promises

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October 28

8:38 PM

"Yes, of course. You know I'll go."

I sat on my bed, talking to my mother over the phone for the first time in almost two months. It felt like my family had completely forgot about me, not even bothering to text me, call me, or check in on me.

"Yes, I'll come down for the long weekend, I promise," I assured my mother, agreeing to finally visiting after not seeing my family for two months. "Love you too, I'll see you then."

I placed my phone on my nightstand, sighing quietly to myself as I covered my face with my hands. I was obviously dreading seeing my family, especially due to how we left off - my father doubting me, my mother assuming sending me here was a bad idea. It was all left on a terrible note. It was not something that I wanted to come back to, especially because of the fact my grades were forged. I felt guilty, but impressing my father, the whole reason I came here, was more important, even if it meant doing what I was doing. I can't even deny the fact I liked it, too.

My dorm room was empty. Sam and Jude had left to go out somewhere. They invited me but I declined the offer, deciding to say to loyal to Cillian. Although I'm not sure if he was doing the same, or was even planning to do the same.

I stood up, glancing outside of the large window in my room, watching as students wandered off of school property, going out, having fun, yet I was sitting here; stuck.

I decided to actually do schoolwork, choosing to focus on the reason I'm actually at school.

I sat at my desk, carefully opening up my backpack and taking out my notebook and laptop. I opened my laptop, scanning over the many files scattered across my screen, debating which subject I should start working on. History or literature. I opened my literature file, immediately realizing that I had most definitely forgot about an essay that was due soon.

I cursed under my breath, taking out the book that was assigned to study, also realizing that the book was barely read, not even opened. The realization began setting in; Cillian was consuming my life, everything revolved around him. All of my thoughts, actions, and emotions. They were all dictated by him, he controlled them. And he knew it.

I opened the book, scanning my eyes over the first page, growing bored in just seconds, rolling my eyes. How the fuck can anyone do this and enjoy this? I thought.

After reading for what felt like an hour, which was only around ten minutes, my phone was ringing.

I glanced over at my phone, noticing that the caller ID was off, displaying an unknown, hidden number. I hesitated but reached over, practically falling off the chair before lifting the phone to my ear and answering. What if Sam or Jude was in trouble? I had to answer.

"Hello?" I asked debating on whether or not I should've answered, knowing that I should've stuck to my boring, literature book.

"Jeane?" A familiar, deep, Irish voice said across the other line, immediately making my face flush red even if he wasn't there. Even if it was just Cillian's voice.

"How did you get my number?" I quickly answered realizing that I had accidentally panicked, not even thinking before I spoke. But how did he get my number?

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