Chapter 19: Nancy

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Coco's POV
We'd just done Canoeing and Kayaking and had finished up so cabin free time. For some reason they started prizes. We had a solo canoe race and Paisley won. Paisley got a slinky, she chose the yellow and blue one. She was playing with it nonstop. "Paisley, can I have a turn?" Akira asked. Paisley gave it to Aki. She started playing with it then gave it back to Paisley. Akira then walked down the cabins. I decided to follow her. She came to the boys cabin. "Akira what are you doing?" I asked her. "They never lock their cabin." She opened to door and went in. I decided to follow her. She scammed the room then climbed up on one of the bunks. She zipped open a bag and dug through it. This was weird, what was she doing? She finally held up a picture. She studied it well. I climbed up on the bunk. The picture was Arthur with this cat next to him. "Who is that?" Aki asked. "I'm not sure." I replied. Suddenly the door opened. Oh no. Arthur came in. "Um what are you two doing here? And on my bunk?" Akira looked up and said, "who's this?" While showing him the picture. "Blueberry." Atlas then came in. "Why are you two here? How did you even get in?" Atlas asked. "You never lock your door, silly." Aki said. We got down and walked out. I saw Stewart playing with a fidget spinner. He must've won a prize. There was some commotion going on when we got out. Miss Luna was there and a lot of people were crowded around. Akira and I walked over. Miss Luna was with a brown Labrador. "Everyone, this is Nancy! She will be in cabin D as there's the only spot left." Cabin D? I'm pretty sure Nova, Nala, Aina and Cloud were in that cabin. "Nancy? What are you doing here?" Nala asked with a horrified look on her face. "I came to see you two of course! I got enrolled here!" "Oh no." Nova said. Amber nudged Aina and said, "Who's Nancy?" "Nala and Nova's other sister." Were Amber and Aina friends?" Nancy came running to Nova and Nala and hugged them tight. They looked terrified. "Hey! I'm Daisy, it's nice to meet you!" She said to Nancy. "I have a spare bunk under my bed you can have that one." I had a feeling Daisy and her were going to become good friends. Artemis came to us and said, "we have to apologize to Cloud." We had all completely forgot. They had all gone back in their cabin. We knocked on it. Daisy answered. "Hello? How can I help you?" "Can we talk to Cloud?" Cindy asked. "Sure! Cloud, you have visitors!" Daisy called out to her. Cloud came. "Hi." "Hi, we are all really sorry for waking you up last night." I said. "It's fine." "Quick question!" Glitter said. "Yeah?" "Which teacher leads your activities?" "Miss Luna, why?" "Just wondering." We went back to our cabin.

Cindy's POV
We went back to our cabin. We started to just chill. "Let's play duck duck goose!" Mishka said. We all got into a circle. Paisley started. "Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, goose!" She tapped Akira on goose, Akira chased her, but Paisley sat down quick. We heard a knock at the door. Amber got up to open it. No one was there. She looked down and saw a box. She picked it up and brung it over to us. She opened it. There was a note.
Dear Cabins,
We apologize for not serving dessert last night,
Although we will provide snacks during the day to make up for it.
Enjoy the onigiri!
Salted Salmon Onigri and Tuna Mayonnaise Onigiri.
Sincerely, Vice Principal Frankie.
"Let's dig in!" Artemis said. We all got some onigiri and started eating. It was great. "I kind of wish that we could've had dessert last night though.

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