The Stormlands

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Jessica never liked riding out at first light, and she was never an early riser. Navi rode right behind Jessica and Catelyn. Neither her nor her mother made much in conversation. Both of them still rubbing sleep from their eyes.

Jessica was deep in contemplation as it was. She had left Korbyn back at the camp to watch over Jaime. She hadn't even gone to see him before she departed. She shouldn't feel bad, Jaime was their prisoner. Their marriage had been forced by Robert Baratheon. He continuously chose Cersei over her.

So why did she feel the way she did?

Her thoughts were pulled to the current situation as the party was pulled to a stop.

One of the guards spoke up. "State your business please."

Her mother spoke. "I am Lady Catelyn Stark, I ride with my daughter Jessica Stark, The Queen in the North. We are here to seek and audience with King Renly."

The guards looked to one another and motioned them foward. The war camp was like every other one Jessica had seen. Tents and soldiers galore. In the center of the camp, however, an exhibition fight was going on.

There was a girl seated next to Renly. She looked to be about Jessica's age. The girl stood and clapped her hands. "Loras! Highgarden!"

Jessica folded her arms and watched the scene unfold. Yes Loras landed a solid blow, he was no match for his opponent. He was a head taller than Loras and about twice his strength. The knight soon had Loras on his back.

Loras held up his hands. "Yield! I yield!"

The girl next to Renly sat down, disappointment written on her face.

Renly clapped, a smile stretched acrossed his face. "Well fought. Approach."

The taller knight approached Renly and bent the knee. Renly smiled. "Rise. Remove your helm."

The knight did revealing that he was not a male, rather a female. She had short cropped dirty blonde hair and dark eyes. Her nose looked like it had been broken several times. Overall, she looked quite homely.

Renly sat up. "You are all your father promised and more, my lady. I've seen Ser Loras bested once or twice, but never quite in that fashion."

The girl leaned over to Renly. "Now, now, my love. My brother fought valiantly for you."

Renly took her hand. "That he did, my queen. But there can only be one champion. Brienne of Tarth, you may ask anything of me you desire. If it is within my power, it is yours."

The knight, Brienne, knelt. "Your Grace, I ask the honor of a place in your Kingsguard."

Loras whipped his head to her. "What?"

Brienne held firm. "I will be one of your seven, pledge my life to yours, and keep you safe from all harm."

Renly nodded. "Done. Rise, Brienne of the Kingsguard."

The guard who had escorted Jessica and her mother in approach Renly. "Your Grace, I have the honor to bring you The Queen in the North, Jessica Stark, her mother, Lady Catelyn Stark. They both has come as envoy for Lord Robert Stark, King in the North."

Loras whipped his head around. Once he spotted Jessica, he crossed to her. Loras Tyrell scooped Jessica up into his arms and spun her around. Jessica giggled and pealed with laughter. He carried her over and sat her down in front of Renly.

Renly immediately descended from the raised platform from where he stood. He brought her into her into his arms tightly before kissing each cheek. Renly beamed down at her. "Your Grace."

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