Death of a Girl

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Griselda padded behind her at a steady pace. Jessica was on a mission and no one would dare stop her. The men around her would stare her down, until they noticed the direction she was going, then they all diverted their gaze.

The guards stop her as she approached. "Leave us."

"My Lady -" The guard began. However, Jessica was in no mood.

"That's an order. Leave me alone with my husband."

The guard gave a nod, and let the pair be.

Jessica turned to fully look at Jaime.

Jaime's hands were bound behind him on a pole near the back of his cell. It was already completely mud covered. He was shaking slightly. It was a cold night with the mist and the wind undoubtedly was picking up.

Jessica was shaking too. It was for an entirely different reason.

Jaime looked up, hearing footsteps approach. He looked at first as if he was ready to banter. Pretend he didn't feel afraid. But then he saw her.

"You're angry." He sighed. "Why?"

"You didn't think I'd find out?" Jessica surprisingly kept her voice rather calm.

Jaime cocked his head to the side. "Find out about what Little Wolf?"

"Oh just stop." Jessica rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.

Jaime sighed. "Jessica. What's upset you?"


"How could I have possibly -"

"And Cersei." Jessica finished.

Jaime fell silent, eying her carefully.

Jessica knew it was a stupid question, but it still slipped out of her mouth. "While we've been married?"

"Whatever you've heard...whatever they've told you..."

"I want to hear it from you!" Jessica raised her voice. "I want to believe you've been faithful. I want to be able to believe the words that you said. I want to believe we've built enough of a trusting relationship. I don't want to believe the lies and slander that's going around the camp."

"Then don't." Jaime said evenly. "When have I ever lied to you Jessica?"

Jessica look at him, pacing the entrance carefully, Griselda still on high alert.

Jessica came to a sudden stop. "So Bran's fall was an accident then?"

Jaime looked at her and then the ground. He said nothing.

Jessica simply nodded. "Okay."

"Okay?" Jaime repeated. 

"You're silence is enough right now." She turned her back to him.

"They won't keep me alive once they've seen you've turned on me."

Jessica knew what Jaime was trying to do. Knew he was trying to prey on whatever rocky relationship they had established.

Jessica didn't turn back and was out of his cell. Griselda gave a low growl before following after Jessica.

She'd let him sit there. She'd let him rot. She wouldn't go crawling back to him.

She held that resolve for three days before she began to eavesdrop near his cell. Usually there was only the guard. And Jessica sighed. They were cruel. When she first checked on him, it looked like he hadn't moved since she'd last been there. It barely looked like they properly gave him food and water.

It was six days later she silently intervened. Making sure he had enough water. And it wasn't cruelly given. Two days later, better treatment of food, and by the end of the week. Taken out of his cell two times a day to relieve himself.

And how did she find the help? Apparently some of her Little Wolves made their way into the camp. One so very helpful as the squire Korbyn Rivers.

Korbyn Rivers was a lanky boy of nineteen. Dark chocolate skin and thick white coars hairs lay in ringlets. And through Korbyn, she was able to get her messages across the camp.

One morning Korbyn walked in and set a dead stump just to the right of the cell's entrance before walking out, ignoring Jaime...well being Jaime.

It was just cresting noon when Jaime saw Navi climb into the tree across his cell. She settled on the lowest branch. That squire padded behind her and settled at its base. Jaime gave a shake of his head and a roll of his eyes. If she was sending spies, she wasn't that good at it.

"Go take a walk Dalton." Jessica approached the cell.

"My Lady I must insist." Dalton.

"You can insist til the sky runs red. I gave an order."

Dalton gave a nod and walked off.

Jessica took a seat at the stump and began her needlework.

"What are you doing?" Jaime questioned her.

Jessica ignored him and continued her stitching.

Jaime narrowed his eyes. "So when Karstark or Umber come in here demanding my head?"


Jaime huffed. Jessica had never  outright ignored him.

"When I starve or catch my death from the cold?"

No response.

"And what's going to happen when we win?" Jaime watched as Jessica slowed her work. "When my father drags us both back to King's Landing."

Jaime watched Jessica glance over to where a few men shoving each other. She narrowed her eyes, that Direwolf of hers raised its head. But nonetheless she returned to her work.

Jaime kicked out at the dirt. He wanted a reaction...anything from her. Since they were married she'd given him her full undivided attention.

This was torture.

"We're still married. Father's still expecting me to give you a child. You can't keep this up forever." 

"Anna's acting ven a enta (He's acting like a baby)." Nave smirked from where she pearched on the tree.

Jessica smirked. "Kirekosi neak hafti anna breaks (how long before he breaks)?"

Navi was laughing. "Yeri've ray samva mae Khaleesi (You've already broken him)."

He deserved it, Jessica kept telling her. He made his choices. Now it's time to live with the consequences.

There was a tug on her arm. Jessica looked up to see Grey Wind. He gently had his arm in her mouth giving a tug. Something wasn't right. Jessica got up and followed her twins Direwolf back to their tent. When she arrived, her Mother was there, as well as Robb. Rodrik was in the corner, head bowed. Theon sat at the table more sullen than usual.

"Oh my love, I am so sorry." Catelyn whispered through tears.

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