Drunk ("You are so stupid, brother." / Drama chapter)

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Drunk ("You are so stupid, brother." / Drama chapter)
Drunk ("You are so stupid, brother." / Drama chapter)
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【What the writer wants to say:】

The statistics have been counted, and the number of people who voted 2 is far more than 1

Start the sweet life, I am a little addicted to the plot hahaha, see if the next chapter can write meat


"Huh?" The little beauty curled up sleepily in the arms of her senior brother, and was poked in the face.

"Did you forget to say something?" Yin Qiyuan asked calmly and persuasively.

"What?" The little beauty turned her head slightly to look at him, her dark eyes were full of doubts.

The man was so angry that he lowered his head to kiss him, and there was a red mark on that tender face.

"Aww!" Yuan Wanbai covered his face and screamed, "I remembered! Good night! Good night! Husband~"

"Well, good night." The man's face regained his composure, as if it wasn't him who made his face turn red.

Senior brother is really weird recently, the little beauty rubbed her cheeks, and quietly moved to the empty seat on the bed next to her. The man immediately restrained him, put his arms around him, found the hem of his pajamas, rolled up his pajamas, caressed his white jade body and said, "Where do you want to go?"

"You, you said that as long as I say good night, you will let me go." Yuan Wanbai said with a trembling voice, after all, who can stand being stuck to sleep every day? The two acupoints are either getting swollen or on the way to recovery. If this goes on... how can he earn lustful points!

Yin Qiyuan thought for a while and said, "Then if I don't mess with you, can you just take off your clothes and sleep next to each other?"

Is this what a normal cleanliness can say? It's outrageous. The little beauty slammed into the quilt, and the man was caught in her arms. After a lot of hard work, the two finally lay down together naked and close to each other.

"Sleep." The man turned off the light and said, the little beauty felt the hot and hard object on her buttocks, closed her eyes obediently, held the quilt to pretend to be a quail, and leaned her back against the man's warm and broad embrace. Feeling sleepy, he quickly fell asleep. Yin Qiyuan's desire grew infinitely in the darkness, and finally calmed down with the soft breathing of the little assistant. He got up and fumbled for the mobile phone beside him, and opened the note.


One hundred points to test whether a person really likes you


Fifty-six, I will often say good night to you

Although he only said good night for three days, it was often rounded up, so he ticked it without hesitation, and continued to look down.

57. I can't help but feel sorry for you, for example, helping you stop the wine

The man looked at it thoughtfully for a while, then put down the phone, and continued to sleep with his arms around him.


"There is a drinking party tonight, do you want to go together?" Yin Qiyuan stood at the entrance and said.

"Shall I go too?" Yuan Wanbai looked at the senior brother in a daze, "But I don't drink well, and I don't know how to talk about business..."

"It's okay, you don't need to do anything, just stay with me." Yin Qiyuan tied the tie for the little assistant, then pointed to his own neck, Yuan Wanbai pursed his lips and stood on tiptoe, after tying the tie on the man, Unsurprisingly, he was held down again and got a kiss called reward. His face flushed slightly, brother, what's so good about it recently... Is it because the love value has reached 75? Then when he was in his 90s, don't get tired of him. That being said, he still obediently raised his face and kissed others several times.

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