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*Drake's POV*

It's been 2 weeks since the day of approvals.

And now, it's the night before Lacey and Brady's wedding, the rehearsal dinner is tonight.

Myra left a few hours ago because she catered the whole thing.

Blake, Jord, Cooper, Micha and Riken are all at the venue getting things ready.

The girls are off with Lacey recuperating from the bachelorette party last night, which Myra came home from, at 3 AM might I add, with a whole hell of a lot of balls, put my chain on my neck then proceeded to ask me to choke her with my dick.

I mean, I did it, but woman, it was 3 AM.

And here I am, 3:30, we have to be at the venue at 4:30 for the wedding rehearsal so I can set up the arch way I built for them to get married under, and I am getting Layton in his dress pants, dress shirt, and –

"Daddy I not wear tie." He shook his head.

I sighed. "Layton, Mama said you have to wear the tie. You have to wear a tie tomorrow too Mr. Ring Bearer. Uncle Nate is getting the girls ready, I am getting you ready, you're wearing the tie."


"Layton Cooper Rumford, who are you arguing with right now?" I raised my eyebrows. "What have we talked about?"

He sighed. "Arguing not nice."

"That's right. CiCi needs you to wear the tie, ok?"

He pouted and nodded. "Thank you."

"Now, if you are done with your mess, I need to ask you something." I finished tying his tie and pulled him in to my lap.


I took a deep breath. "So, you know that Mama and I are together right? I'm her boyfriend, I love her?"

He smiled and nodded.

"And I love you buddy, so much. Do you know how CiCi and Bubby are getting married tomorrow, she's got her pretty dress, they're about to be a family, all that?"

"Yes." He smiled.

"Well, I really want you and Mama to be my family."
"We is." He nodded.

"I know you are." I smiled. "But officially. Legally. I was wondering how you'd feel about, me asking Mama if she wanted to marry me?"

His smile grew. "You get pretty ring?"

I nodded.

He nodded. "You marry us."

"If it's ok."

"It ok Daddy." He hugged me.

I took a sigh of relief. "Perfect."

"I in wedding?" He looked up at me.

"Of course you are. If Mama says yes. It's your wedding too dude." I smiled.

"Ok." He smiled.

"You ready to go?"

He nodded.

I picked him up and we walked in to the living room to meet Nate and the girls.

"Well look at you two." I smiled and put Layton down. "You look beautiful." I kissed the top of Amaya's head and picked up Kiara.

"What about me?" Nate crossed his arms.

"Yeah, you're the prettiest girl at the party." I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you." He smiled and kneeled down. "And look at you my man, you look fly."

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