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*Drake's POV*

We've been on the boat for 3 hours now, and we finally just docked at the small little 'island' everyone was meeting at.

By everyone, we mean all our parents, Casey and his family, Olivia and Sharon are here, which means so is Drew, and Myra invited Will and his family as well.

Will, Hoover, Drew and Casey helped us tie up the boats, but when I was going to go walk off the dock, Will stopped me.

"Drake, do you think we could talk for a minute." He pursed his lips.

"UH." I looked around to make sure my family was off the dock. "Yeah, sure." I nodded. "What's going on?"

"I just, I don't know if you've been told our situation. But I wanted to-"

"Everything OK?" Myra came walking to the edge of the boat.

She tried to lift herself out, but it wasn't working too well.

I sighed. "One second." I looked at him.

I leaned down, lifted her out of the boat, and set her on her feet.

"Everything's fine. We're just talking. He asked if we could talk. We'll be down in a minute."

"Well, OK then. But you might wanna hurry." She nodded.

"Why what's wrong?" Will shook his head.

"Oh, just." She pointed.

We both looked, and she was pointing at Hoover, who was being swarmed by Missy and Taylor.

I groaned. "As if I'm her only damn brother." I shook my head. "I'll handle it in a minute. Better yet, have Olivia throw them in the water."

"OK." She laughed.

But then she pulled a grapefruit out of her bag and started walking away.

You bet your ass I grabbed that grapefruit from her hand.

"Drake." She crossed her arms.

"Stop with the fucking diets. You don't need them. Go, eat something that's actually good, and enjoy yourself." I threw it in the water.

She rolled her eyes and just walked.

I sighed and turned back to Will. "I'm sorry." I shook my head.

"No, it's cool. Little sisters?"

"Unfortunately I inherited the one." I rolled my eyes. "But uh, she did, tell me about you guys situation. I'm really sorry." I nodded.

"No reason to be. It was Ryan's choice." He nodded.

"But you guys shouldn't have to suffer for it. Riken, Mitch and I did have to suffer. Ours left, and our grand parents decided they didn't want to see us anymore. I give you guys a lot of credit for wanting to be in his life when he's not."

"The only hard part is hearing him call me Will." He sighed. "But it'll happen eventually. I actually wanted to warn you, without Myra getting freaked out. Hopefully you're not as hot headed as Brady and Nate, or Bryce. But, Ryan will be home in three weeks. "

I pursed my lips and nodded. "Great."

"Look, Ryan, he's got it set in his head that if he comes home once a month and shows that he's gonna try, he's entitled to time with Layton. And he's not. He doesn't deserve a minute until Layton's old enough to decide that. Just, if he shows up again, I wanna give you my number, and I want you to call me. I'm literally a 5 minute drive from the Cabin, and I really would appreciate if you'd let me handle it."

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