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*Drake's POV*

"Dake, I ask somethin." Layton yelled from the back seat.

I turned the music down and looked at him in the rear view. "What's up Mini Man?"

"Why you give Mama smoochies in kitchen?" He tilted his head.

My eyes got wide and I looked at Jord. "Uh." I cleared my throat.

"He wasn't giving Mama smoochies." Jord looked back at him.

"But he was wookin at her all funny and real close." Layton nodded.

"Well, Mama was in the cupboards, and something got in her eye, he was that close and looking at her funny to see if he could find it." He nodded. "Kissing girls is yucky."

"You give Aunt Marty smoochies." Layton scrunched his face.

"Well Uncle J is yucky." I nodded.

He glared at me. "Yes buddy, I am very yucky. But smoochies aren't yucky when you really like someone."

"You used to give Snappy smoochies before Uncle Lebby did." He nodded.

Jordan pursed his lips and nodded. "I did used to give Snappy smoochies. How did you know."

"Mama picture book." He smiled.

I raised my eyes and looked in the rear view. "What picture book?"

"Mama picture book under the bed. Her wook at it a lot. No tell her I wook please." He pouted.

"We wont tell her you look, but uh, what other pictures are in there buddy?" Jord cleared his throat.

"Dake you used to give Mama smoochies." He nodded.

"I did, yes. Mama and I dated in high school." I nodded.

"You was all friends?"

We both nodded.

"Why you not come see me? Uncle Rice and Uncle Car come see me. So do Ryant, Sonny and Milo." He looked down.

I sighed. "Well buddy, we didn't know about you. Sometimes, friends don't always talk."

"But we friends now, right?" He looked up.

"We are." Jordan smiled.

"I no wanna stop talking though. Promise?"

"We promise." We both nodded.

Alright, so, that actually hurt a lot.

And the look on Jordan's face is saying the exact same.

If we would've known about Layton we sure as hell would've been here to see him, not a doubt in my mind.

Which now has me back to being pissed at Blake and Micha for not telling us.

Yes, I understand why they didn't.

I would've jumped, and I would've tried, and they're right, everything that happened with her and I did stress her out and it wouldn't have helped her being pregnant.

But fuck, the look on his face when he asked why we haven't come to see him, that broke me.

Hearing him say that even I'm assuming Ryant is Bryant, Sonny is Jason, and Milo is Miles, have even come to see him, that fucking sucks too.

But once again, that was on me.

"Dake, J." Layton whispered from the back seat.

"Yeah buddy?" I looked in the mirror.

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