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*Myra's POV*

I have not the slightest clue of what Drake wants to talk to me about.

But after sitting in the car for an hour after the fireworks and tucking Layton in, I am no longer tired and sitting on the front porch just staring at the stars.

Because Drake told me to.

I heard the door open, and now he's sitting down next to me with 2 glasses of wine and set his portfolio down on the porch.

He smiled and handed me a glass. "Here you go gorgeous."

"You have my anxiety through the roof now, you know that, right?" I raised my eyebrows and took a drink.

He let out a small laugh. "Promise you mines higher. I just wanted to be home and relaxing before we talk." He nodded.

"Well, what's wrong?"

"Well, what's wrong is that last night scared me and this morning freaked me out because I feel like you don't realize just how serious about this I am."

I sighed. "Drake, I- "

"Just listen please." He nodded.

He climbed over on to my chair and sat in front of me. "I have been thinking a lot about this. I miss Mitch, and Rylah, and Keelie so much. And I have a great job lined up for me at the end of the summer, doing exactly what I want to do. B and Mic are moving back up here, and Brady, Lacey, Amaya, Ki, Nate and Heather. But, you and Layt are here. And I'm so happy up here. So I wanted to know what you think about me telling Todd and Joe I want to accept their offer to be their head architect and, move up here?" He scrunched his face.

I raised my eyebrows. "Please tell me this isn't actually because of Layton and I."

"Well of course you two are a part of it. But not all of it. I mean it, I want to be close to my brother, sister and niece. I don't think I would be able to stay sane in NC without Blake and Micha, and this job. It's a perfect start for me to build my portfolio, and I'm really loving it."

I sighed. "Drake I don't want you to completely uproot your life to be up here and then something happen and you realized this is too much for you."

"Myra." He grabbed my glass, set it down, and grabbed my hands. "This is exactly what I want. This is 6 years in the making. 2 bad break ups, years without a word. I have wanted this for that long, and now that I finally have it, I'm not letting it go. We've both grown up. We can talk things out, take time and fix our issues. Back then, I wasn't ready. I am now. But if you're really worried, I will find my own apartment until you feel comfortable with actually living with me long term, but-"

I just leaned forward and kissed him. "Babe, if this is really what you want then I support whatever decision you make. But, Heather is moving back in to the cabin. Are you sure you want to live here with both girls, Nate, Heather, and Layton and I? Because Lacey and Brady are moving out after the wedding." I nodded.

"Baby, I love Amaya and Kiara almost as much as I love you and Layton. I'm happy being here with literally 8 dudes, 3 kids, your psycho soul mate, and the moose you call a dog. I'm 100% sure." He smiled.

"Then, moving up to Minnesota is OK with me." I smiled.

"Thank you." He smiled. "But now, to show you how serious I am about making this work." He reached down and grabbed his portfolio.

Then pulled out his house plan.

"You know I've been working on this for a while, right?"

I nodded.

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