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*Drake's POV*

Talk about a fucking mood killer.

Carter Grayson.

Carter god damn Grayson, is here.

And I know, I have no right after what happened, but the thing that pisses me off, that I'm so far beyond the point of pissed off about, is that Myra told HIM she was pregnant, and not me. Granted we weren't talking, she blocked all of us on everything, but to tell Carter!

I'm pissed, I'm hurt, and unfortunately, I'm fucking jealous.

I am jealous of the fact that he and Bryce have been coming here once a month for the past 4 years.

I'm jealous of the fact that they have been in Layton's life the entire time.

They got to watch him grow from belly to now, and I didn't even know about him up until a month ago.

He ruined my relationship by putting bullshit in my head, that wasn't actually bullshit, but I would've never broke up with Myra if he wouldn't have done that!

But the problem is that if I didn't break up with her she wouldn't have Layton.

Fuck Carter, but not fuck him at the same time.

And the thing is, Blake and Micha knew all of this!

I worked silently for most of the day until lunch when they both came and sat next to me.

"What?" I cleared my throat.

"Are you OK?" Micha pursed his lips.

"Do I really look OK?" I looked at the both of them.

They both sighed. "We know. We should've told you." Blake nodded. "About Ryan, about Layton, and that Myra never stopped talking to Bryce and Carter and that they're here once a month."

"You think." I nodded. "Why. Why would you not just tell me, about all of this."

"Because we knew one of two things would happen." Micha nodded. "You would either shut down, or you'd come running up here to fill a position that you'd have to push yourself to fill."

"I would not have-"

Blake cut me off. "Drake, you love her. You always have, and you always will. But the minute you would've found out she was pregnant and alone, you would've tried to save her. You've always tried to save her. And we were pissed, and didn't want her to be alone, but Myra is the last person who needs saving. And we don't mean this in a bad way. But-"

"But what?" I shook my head.

"All you would've done is stress her out. And being pregnant, and preparing to be a single mother is stressful enough. And I know that you're pissed because of Carter, but he's been a really good friend to her. It's really bad to say, but he is the one person who never showed an ounce of anger when she told us she told Ryan he could leave. When she told him, he looked at her and literally said 'You don't need him to be an amazing mom, or for your baby to have an amazing life. You've got this, but you've also got me if you ever need me.' He's stuck to that. Aside from family and the people who live with him. Bryce and Carter have been a constant. They've never gone more than a month without seeing him. But they're her family." He nodded.

"He couldn't just fucking stay away while I'm here." I groaned.

"He didn't know you were here." Micha shook his head. "No one told him you were all here. Cooper knew they were coming because of Bryce. But he and Bryce decided that we shouldn't tell either of you to avoid you trying to go home."

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