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*Drake's POV*

I've got to say, the first night in Minnesota was amazing. Seeing the girls again. My brother and Keelie. My sweet little Rylah. Seeing Amaya for the first time since she was a baby. Meeting Kammie, Caleb, Lilah and Marty. But the best part, was meeting Layton and Kiara.

But now it's the next morning. All of the Thompson sisters and significant others went home, Lilah, Marty, and Josh went back to the cafe apartment.

And it's 9AM and I'm rolling out of bed.

I threw on some sweats and a shirt, and walked down stairs to see everyone and the little girls in the living room.

"What's going on?" I shook my head as I got down to the bottom of the stairs.

"Good morning, coffee is in the pot." Lacey smiled. "Brady went to work."

"I'm taking the girls to Heathers and heading to my parents." Nate nodded.

"And Lacey, Blake and I are taking you guys to the mall of America." Micha smiled.

"Oh, uh. I didn't really plan on doing anything this morning. I was going to draw a little bit." I pursed my lips.

"Oh, well that's ok." Blake nodded. "I don't think Myra will mind if you stayed to work on your plans."

"You sure you don't wanna come?" Jord smiled. "Indoor roller coaster."

"I'm sure." I nodded. "I'm tired."

"Well, wake up, because we have a surprise for Myra later." Lacey smiled. "And if you are staying, can you do me a favor?"


"If Layton wakes up, could you maybe entertain him until Myra wakes up?" She pursed her lips. "I kind of snuck in and shut her alarm off, because she doesn't sleep much. And she deserved to sleep in."

"Is she going to be ok with that?" I gave her a look.

"Well, she's in the house, if something was wrong her mom alert within would ring, and I'm pretty sure if you hurt her baby, you know she'd kill you. Plus, you're her god daughters uncle, and she's seen you with kids. SO yeah, she'll be fine." Nate nodded.

"Alright then. I'm sure I can entertain him." I nodded.

"Awesome. And if you have a problem, give him a danimal and a bowl of blueberries, and turn on sports center. That's what I do." Micha nodded.

"That or the x-sports channel." Blake pointed at me.

"Guys, he's 3. I got it." I pursed my lips.

"Thank you." Lacey smiled.

Then they all just left.

I went upstairs, got my stuff, and went downstairs.

I laid my stuff out on the coffee table and just sat on the couch. But I wasn't working on my internship plan. I was working on the house plan I had been working on for a few weeks now.

I sat, drank my coffee, and did some drawing for a little while until I heard a quiet little voice.

"Mommy?" I heard as Layton's door slowly opened.

"No buddy, mommy's still sleeping." I nodded. "You ok?"

He came walking in to the living room and nodded. "What you doing?"

"Drawing for a little bit." I sat up.

"Why?" He shook his head.

"You know how mommy has her cafe?" I patted the couch next to me.

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