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*Myra's POV*

"Angelo that's fine. If you need some time off it's more than do-able. You've had a baby. You know how much help Wynonna is going to need, especially with Grace. I've had a baby in the PICU. It can take a lot out of anyone, so take as much time as you need. I'll handle things until you can get back. You just go enjoy Hazel. Bring back the feeling you had when Grace was born. Be with your family."

"If you need help with anything, please call me Myra. I can work from the hospital."

"Over my dead body. Angelo, be with your family. We have all the help we need until you get back."

"Have a good holiday Myra. Have a good day Layton!"

"Hi Gloo." Layton smiled.

"And have a good day Mr. Adams."

"You can just call me Drake Angelo." Drake nodded. "Congratulations on the baby."

"Thank you. I'll let you know how she's doing tomorrow Myra."

"Of course. IF you need anything just call." I smiled.

"Thank you." Angelo cleared his throat and hung up.

"Mama. Miss Winnie have her baby?" Layton asked from the back seat.

I turned and smiled. "She did. This morning. She's got to spend some time in the PICU because she's 5 weeks early. But yes. She had her baby." I grabbed my redbull and took a drink.

Drake grabbed my other hand from the drivers seat. "You're really good to your employees." He nodded.

"Well yeah. A boss is only as good as their employees." I nodded. "The charity and the café would be nothing without Angelo. He's a great accountant."

"And, he has two kid. Wynonna is his wife?"

"Well, he's got 2 kids now. Grace is 5, and Hazel, she's the new baby."

"But she's OK? Just pre-mature?"

"Well, he said there's not any other complications other than her having trouble breathing and jaundice, being under weight. But it's all normal for preemies. This one was the same." I pointed into the back seat.

"He's my favorite pain in the butt." He lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed my knuckles. "Do you want kids?"

"I have a kid." I let out a small laugh and took another drink.

"You know what I meant. I mean do you want more?"

And well, I choked.

I pulled a Drake.

I straight choked on this red bull to the point where it came out of my nose.

He raised his eyebrows. "Wow." He nodded. "A simple no would've been better than whatever that was."

I let out a nervous laugh and just looked out the window.

Is it hot in this truck right now?

Anyone else having trouble breathing?

Chest tight?

No? Just me?

Alright then.

"It was just a question you know. I'm not asking to have a baby right now."

"Do you want a baby at all?" I turned and gave him a look.

"I mean, yeah. Eventually." He nodded. "I've always wanted 3."

I pursed my lips and nodded.

"Do you not want anymore kids?"

"I haven't thought about it." I shook my head.

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