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*Micha's POV*

"Twap!" Layton screamed running over to me.

I'm sitting by the little pond at our campsite, by myself, because the only people who will talk to me are the kids, some of the parents, and the guys.

"Hey." I turned and shook my head. "Do not run by the water. You know better dude." I grabbed him and pulled him in to my lap.

He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed. "I no want you move out." He shook his head.

I sighed and took his hat off before it poked me in my face again, and I ruffled his hair. "I don't want to move out buddy. But I also don't like Mama right now for giving me an ultimatum. You don't ultimatum people you love."

"You not posed be mean people you love. You love Mama?"

"Of course, I love Mama. But sometimes when people are upset, they say things they don't mean." I nodded. "And Mama knows how much stuff Hopey and I have going on, and I'm mad at Hopey."

"You love me?"

"Yes, I love you Layton."

"You love B?"

"I love B. He's my older brother." I nodded.

"You love Nater? And Bubby and CiCi?"

I sighed. "I love them all, very much."

"You tell them a lot." He nodded. "And they always make you mad. I make you mad, you say love you every day."

I pursed my lips and nodded. "That I do."

He crawled out of my lap and put his hands on my shoulders. "Love bigger than mad." He gave me a small smile and walked back over to camp.

This kid I swear to God, is the smartest most over opinionated little shit I have ever met in my life, and I've known Hannah, Amaya and Rylah since they've been here with their unfiltered mouths.

But he's not wrong. No matter how much he, or Myra and Lacey. Blake, Nate and Brady piss me off, I tell them I love them daily.

But it's a different kind of love with Hope.

I'm in love with her.

She's, my person.

She is the one person I have ever been able to actually see me spending my life with.

Don't get me wrong, when I was with Lacey, I was 100% in love with her. But deep down I always knew that her and I were not made for the long run.

But Hope, everything about her fits like a glove.

The way our personalities mesh when we're together, the way she fits in to my arms so perfectly and her head fits in to the crook of my neck. How her fingernails glide so effortlessly through my hair and how my heart skips every time she calls me Foxy. How just being next to her clears out every thought in my head aside from her. And, how she tells me exactly what she's thinking in the moment instead of holding it in.

I don't want to move out of Myra's, I like being with her, and Layton and the girls. Spending that time with Nate and Brady and helping Lacey with wedding stuff when Brady can't right away.

So as my mind is fighting with my heart, I got up, slid my sandals back on, and walked back over to camp.

Because heart just won.

I walked over to the baked table where she was sitting with Myra while Hannah was sitting on the back of Myra's tailgate shoving a whole cupcake in her mouth like a sandwich.

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