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The portal is now open  and everybody is prepare to go to the realm of the dxd.

Ajuka- zechs the portal is now open..

Sirzechs- thank you ajuka..

Tai- ajuka??

Azazel- another devil king back on our realm.. he is the person responsible for your pieces..

Glynda- honey in yoir real is there any grimms?? Or people have semblance or faunus??

Azazel- grimms and sembalance didn't exist there.. but for faunus it exist. We called it yokai.

Blake- did the people abuse the yokai there..

Azazel- no.. because unlike the faun8s here. The yokai can blend to a normal person. They also posses powers like we do. And they have a leader who os a nine tail fox named yasaka..

Sirzechs- yasaka is the leader or queen of the yokai faction.the yokai is also an ally of the supernatural faction. The yokai is also reaponsible for protecting the humans there..

Qrow- i bet this yasaka is also a sexy woman??

Azazel- heh!! She is a busty woman. That fox assets are much superrior than any of the ladies here..but any way. Are you ready to go??

Peter- of course.

Bart- but where are we going to stay??

Jaune- my house...i have a house there that fits all of us...

Yang- wait you have a house there!!! And how big it is???

Jaune- it's not that big...

Ren- if you want you can go to issei's house he has a 6 stories house..

Jaune-ren ruby is still young..if ruby saw that dumbass and his girls sleeping naled ot will corrupt her mind..

Yang- well we should stay at your house...

Ren- i wonder if sona is filling up pur homework because it was long that we don't attend school..

Salem- you attend school for huntsman there??.

Nora- ma'am there is no school for huntan there..it's just a regular school..

Azazel- now that you said school. I was planning to teach there...

Jaune/nora/ren- whaat???

Azazel- i was planning to teach there.. you guys need an adult to watch over kuoh.. we don't know when those dumbass will attack.. great red and ophis are busy for sometimes...

Jaune- now that you said it...i thonk ot was a good idea. While the huntress here will scout the area...then send a report to us.  Who knows that weiss and ironwood will allied them selves to tje local terrorist..

Azazel- specially if they will meet crom cruach..

Ruby- chrom cruach..

Sirzechs- chrom cruach is an evil dragon..he is a dragon that par with ddraig and albion or more. That was the rumor..

Azazel- don't worry about that crazy dragon..ophis was in kuoh...and that dragon knew who is ophis..if that dragon is not evil
Crom is considered to be a heavenly class dragon. And the only dragon on that class who is not sealed...

Glynda- where is that dragon..

Azazel- i don't know..and all dragons can shape shift into a human form..so be very careful..earth is not like here.. because the supernatural beings are more powerful than here..

Tai- how can we detect this people or this crom..

Azazel- a dragon is easy to determine..crom is a blond hair man he has ha black fringe on hair. But the common identity of a dragon is their hair and eyes or even teeth.. their eyes is like a cat  and they have a pointy ears or they have fangs..if yli see a person who has pointy ears a cat like eyes and a fang expose. Stay away from him...

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