Battle of the Bands (5WIRL)

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Venti (Leader, Lead Vocalist)

Xiao (Rapper)

Heizou (Keyboard + Vocals)

Kazuha (Guitar/Electric Guitar + Vocals)

Aether (Drums)

Note: There will be a few romantic cutscenes in here, it will be Xiaother and HeiKazu. I personally don't ship Venti with anyone. This is going to be slight modern au.

Venti POV:
The gentle Mondstadt breeze caresses my cheeks as the sun wraps itself around my waist, I take a sip of my red wine as I gently hum a tune. Mm... it's late afternoon, almost time for band rehearsal, I jump off the tree branch and head towards Angel's Share. I swing open the rickety door, "Good afternoon bard, private room 30 please, the others are already present" Charles says as he points in the direction of the room, I give him a friendly salute before barging into the private room. I took a good few minutes looking at my band mates, Xiao sat in a corner thumping out beats while Aether brushed his hair, Kazuha and Heizou were sitting on the couch cuddling while doing vocal warm ups. Man... when can I have my special someone? "Hey guys!" I say as I chuck my rucksack in a corner, "Hey Venti!" they all said in unison. "Yo Kazuha, did you edit the lyrics to 'Gentle Winds' as discussed in our last meeting?" I ask raising an eyebrow, he nods as he hands me the sheet, red cursive writing was scattered all over the page, hm... the chorus is definitely more fitting, maybe get Heizou to provide falsetto... I let myself be absorbed by my thoughts for a while before speaking again. "Perfect! I was hoping this was done because..." I pause as I pull out a poster from my rucksack and hold it up for everyone to see, "Teyvat's Battle of the Bands returns! We have to participate with this song! It's held at the Grand Bazaar in Sumeru in a months time and the winning band gets 3 million mora for each member and a getaway to Watatsumi Island!" , everyone talks amongst themselves until Heizou starts cheering, soon the whole room erupted into cheers and agreement to the idea. 

"Alright, then we better start cracking! Does everyone have a copy of the lyrics?" I pace back and forth, "yep" Xiao pulls out his sheet, "Okay good! I was thinking in verse 3 we have Xiao coming in with the rap bit, make sure the beat is upbeat but not fast... Aether we need you to keep the main beat of the song, it should be upbeat to the point someone would want to leap up from their seats and dance to the song... Heizou, I was thinking you do normal piano sound for the first half and at your break, quickly switch to the jazzy tone and rock that stage out, careful with the tempo and push in lots of emotion!" I begin pacing back and forth more quickly as I dish out instructions, "Kazuha! You're going to start up our song so make sure you come in strong, the notes should be clear, and do your signature move near the end! As for me, I will come in throughout the song, being the main vocalist I'll come in first, then soon Heizou and Kazuha will join me as back up, anybody have any suggestions or objections?" I look around the room, everyone shakes their heads. "Great!" I pick up a whiteboard marker and I start scribbling away on the whiteboard, "alright so here will be our positions, I'll be upfront with the mic stand here, Xiao on the left here, Heizou and Aether slightly behind me and on a diagonal slant, then Kazuha here on the right rocking out with the electric guitar, yes for the competition we'll need you to go electric not acoustic Kazuha" I say as I finish drawing the diagram, Kazuha raises his hand, "so for Heizou and I doing the backing vocals, do you want it to be more powerhouse or harmonised?" I scratch my chin, good question... "I think harmonised would sound better, as it will bring out my voice more and not shadow it" I say, Kazuha nods. Moments later, everyone was set up, Xiao sets up his mic, I get ready the mic stand, Kazuha swings the electric guitar over his shoulder, Aether sits at the drums, Heizou sits at the keyboard. "Alright, lets get this show on the road!" Kazuha begins playing an upbeat guitar tune, soon Aether and Heizou comes in creating a happy and upbeat atmosphere, I come in with the vocals my voice hitting the highs and lows as I tackle tricky riffs and runs, soon Heizou and Kazuha come in with the backups, their voices harmonise causing a cool echo effect to happen when combined with my voice, later on towards the middle of the song, Xiao starts his rap bit, he struts out to the front of the room and delivers his part with confidence, Heizou seizes this opportunity to switch his keyboard sound to a jazzy tone, the song reaches it's peak and I hit the ultimate high note, then Kazuha and Heizou tone it down while Aether finishes it with the drums, Kazuha jumps in and gets on his knees as he delivers the final explosive ending note. 

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