Intimacy [Heizou x Scaramouche/Wanderer]

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Authors note: I GOT KAZUHA AND ALHAITHAM WITHIN 76 PULLS AAAAAA<33 also, this is a request from one of the comments in my recent HeiKazu oneshot, sorry about how random this is... enjoy :)

Heizou POV:

The atmosphere is heavy... Everything is in chaos. The birds stopped chirping, the sun has hidden itself behind the grey clouds, and the rain is pouring harder... pelting down into the souls of the Inazuman citizens. An intruder has just taken down the Shogun... I inspect the nearby abandoned village for any clues that could potentially reveal the intruder's route and shine a light on this case. The glass is broken... scattered all over the ground like broken childhood dreams, "Hm... my intuition tells me something interesting is going to happen..." I begin searching around the main cottage until I feel a hand clamp around my mouth and I was pinned to the wall. "Mmh?!" My eyes widen as I see a man with indigo hair wearing a huge hat smirking at me, he looks absolutely wild. Blood covered his face and clothes and the way he looks at me looks like he's high with adrenaline. I frown as I clench my fist, anemo energy swirls around my fist as I prepare to punch "Nuh uh..." he says and pushes me harder into the cottage wall. I kicked him in the shin "Ah!" he hisses in pain, soon we end up in a huge cat fight, amidst the chaos he steps on my foot which causes me to fall on top of him ending up in a very...intimate position.

I immediately get up and pin him to the ground and I place handcuffs on him, "you're going to tell me right now why you did it..." I say pressing my knee into his back, "She abandoned me... threw me away like I'm useless... and only thinks for herself, this... was much deserved" he says as his breath hitches a little. "Your name?" I press on, "Scaramouche... but now I go by Wanderer, call me whatever" he says refusing to meet my eye. "Okay... now elaborate what you mean by 'abandoned you'" I say, pressing my hand into his back as he begins to squirm. "Well..." he begins to tell me his life story, about how he was originally made as a puppet and how Ei left him in a slumbering state free of her control, which to him meant he was useless and a failure. Once he was done, my hands trembled and my grip on him loosened, "Hah... feel empathetic towards me now?" he sneers, a million thoughts flow past my mind like an endless river. The only words I could form is, " need some therapy" I escorted Scaramouche back to the Tenryou Commission and cleared his name from the murder of the Shogun in return for enrolling him to therapy and removing his citizenship from Inazuma, he does not identify as an Inazuman now.

About 9 months past, and I haven't heard a word from him... odd. I take a seat in Uyuu restaurant and sighed, "Tired?" came a familar voice, I turned around and saw that oh-so-familiar face, "Scara?" I say surprised. He comes closer to me and I notice he's not wearing purple anymore, instead it has become blue... "I've become a different man" he says, I smile a little. I order some fresh dango and katsu sandwiches as he and I catch up, he tells me about him venting his feelings out and learnt self control, and I fill him in on my detective cases. As we speak, I can't help but notice our bond strengthening, I felt... more comfortable around him and I felt like I could properly trust him. "You know..." he says looking at me sideways, "I still can't get rid of the memory of you sitting on top of me outside that abandoned village where we first met.." My blood starts to rush through my body rapidly as I blush out of embarrassment, "T-That was an accident!" I say hiding my face behind my hands, Scaramouche chuckles "I know, but to be fair... you did look quite hot looking down at me like that". "WHAT?" I say a bit too loud, my body still shaking "You heard me..." he lifts my chin up with his finger "I' love with you" I blush heavily, wait what? I look into his melty eyes that gleam with hope, my eyes flicker as I close the gap between us. I kiss him, I kiss him hard... full of desperation. Small gasps leave my lips as I feel his lips kissing back. 

Scaramouche pulls away slowly, "My my... how bold of you Mr Shikanoin..." he holds me close, I could feel our heart beats beating in sync. "S-Shut up..." I say as I bury my face into his chest. "So... are we official?" he asked squeezing my hands, I feel a burst of joy erupt from my chest as I nod eagerly. "You, me, dinner tonight, 7PM sharp don't be late" he says and flies away with the help of his hat. I sit on the soft green grass staring at the bright blue skies as swallows dip and glide in the air, I close my eyes as my mind processes the day's events.

The evening falls... all the birds have returned to their nests, I tie my hair up in a high ponytail and I put on a beautiful black yukata with golden leaf patterns embroidered into the fabric. I make my way to the abandoned village and walk towards the main cottage, I gust of anemo rushes past me as I was pinned against the wall, this time I smirk. "Scara...mouche" my breath hitches a little, he chuckles and sets out sashimi and miso soup. We sit on the curb and talk the night away, I sigh "Scaramouche you are so dreamy~ " his eyes flick to me, "Shut the hell up..." he says as he kisses me under the moonlight, I get lost in the kiss, completely giving in to him. My intuition was right... as always. 

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