Adventure Time! [Bennett & Razor]

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Bennett POV:
I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and the sun beating down my face, I sat up and realised my tent had fallen down on me. Agh, just my luck. I packed up my supplies and headed to explore Wolvendom, it was finally declared safe to go there. I had only walked a couple of minutes until the sky darkened, and rain began to pour. I'm not even surprised at this point, I stuck to the route on the map as I navigated my way to the entrance. Just up ahead, I saw a group of trees that are bare with twisted branches, that must be Wolvendom! I went closer and heard rustling among the bushes, I noticed some interesting berries scattered on the floor, I squinted at them in curiosity, I've never seen one of these in my life. It was the size of half my palm. The majority of the berries were purple, but there were a few that were red, it was quite round and had spike-like things on the bottom of it, I daren't touch it. As I ventured further into the area, I tripped over a rock and surprise surprise, my elbow hit a lever that started a mechanism. Nothing happened at first, but then I heard whirring noises, huge metal gates slammed down all around me, oh darn... "HELP!" I called, it was useless, nobody else was there. I heard shuffling noises behind me. I used my rucksack as a shield and walked closer to the noise.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I called out into the darkness. "Grrrrrrrrr..." someone or something growled. I started to get nervous, what if a wolf was in here? Was it going to spell the end for Benny's adventure team? I was brought out of my thoughts until I heard a voice, "Who in cave?" a figure stepped out of the shadows. As I took a closer look, it was a young boy in rag-like clothes and long grey hair, he looked absolutely wild.

I stuck a thumb up and said, "Ah, sorry to scare you buddy, I'm Bennett! Leader of Benny's Adventure Team!" he looked at me confused, "you no wolf lupical?" Now it was my turn to be confused. Just what on earth was a lupical? "Ahahaha, I'm not a wolf, I'm just a regular human" I said in the most cheerful tone I can manage. The young boy then went into deep thought, when he came to a conclusion, he spoke again, "Razor like Bennett vibe" he said and nodded sharply. "Thanks, so Razor is your name?" I asked, he nodded. "Razor no have mum and dad, Razor raised by wolf, Razor hope he find mum and dad one day" he explained. I felt quite sorry for him, "Awh! It's okay! I never really knew my mother, I just have multiple dads, by that I mean, every male in the Adventurer's Guild that was kind to me" I said scratching the back of my head. "Razor understand" he said. I find the way he speaks really interesting. I'm impressed too, if I were raised by wolves, I wouldn't be able to manage what he can say right now. I'd probably go something like AWOOOOO AWOO AWOO??!?! Okay, enough of that. I suggested we try and find a way out of here, because we'd soon starve to death. I started to touch the cold, moist walls for any loose places that might be secret buttons and I tried pulling the lever up again but it didn't do anything, I searched on the opposite wall then came across a sharp rock, and cut myself. "Ouch!" I said and jerked my hand back, in 0.00001 seconds Razor came over to check the situation. He examined the cut carefully before he started to lick the wound, I jerked back faster than I jerked back when I was cut, "W-w-w-woah Razor, what a-are you doing?" I said completely flustered. He stared at me like 'what'd I do?', then he spoke up, "You are hurt, let me help".

  My soul softened, no stranger has cared for me this much and would go this far, "Thanks Razor! I really am grateful, although, could you please do it in a non weird way?" I asked. He nodded, "we get hooks, but first get out" he said pointing at the metal gate. He was right, we're not going anywhere if we don't figure out how the door opens. He then rummaged in his pockets and found a small horn with carvings on it. "What's that for?" I asked, he took a moment to think of the words. "This is whistle, it make very loud sound any lupical can hear" he explained. I sat back and leaned on the rock wall as I watched Razor blow out a series of shrill sounds, "we sit and wait now" he said, and curled into a ball.

About half an hour later, I heard a familiar voice at the metal gates, "Bennett! Razor! Where are you two cuties hiding~?" I jolted up and ran to the entrance. It was the librarian Lisa. "Lisa! Boy, am I glad to see you!" I said breathlessly, I then watched her blast electro energy at the sides of the gate and at the metal bolts, the metal gate shook then started to crack, "stand back!" she yelled as she took a few paces back, I grabbed Razor's scarf and went to the end of the cave, BOOM! The metal gate exploded, we were free! "What a stroke of luck!" I said to myself. "Thank you teacher" says Razor, Lisa patted us both on the head and went back to her duties. It was about time I head back to Mondstadt too, it's enough exploring for one day, I don't want to trouble anyone else in rescuing me again if I happen to walk into more traps. I gave Razor a smile and a wave and began to make my way back into the city. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Razor looking a bit upset that I was leaving this early. "Come on Razor! I'll treat you to a meal at Good Hunter! Yeah?" I said. His face instantly came to life, we talked about ourselves on the whole way there. Soon enough, I made the shape of windmills and German buildings, ah finally. I made it there in one piece. I gave Swan a polite salute as I entered the gates, when we made it to Good Hunter, I asked Razor what he likes, "Razor like meat" he said.

"Hello Sara! One matsutake meat roll and one sweet madame please!" I said while pulling out my mora bag and placed the amount on the desk. "Sure! Coming right up!" she said, and turned to the kitchen to start preparing the meal. A couple of minutes later, Razor and I were stuffing our faces with juicy meat and crispy rolls, and we washed it down with sparkling water. "Boy, I haven't eaten with someone in ages! It sure feels way nicer!" I said to Razor as I sat back in my chair patting my stomach. "Razor is Bennett friend!" he said and gave me a hug. I hugged him back, I suppose my curse of bad luck can't fend off a good friend. 

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