Stepping Out Of The Comfort Zone [Thoma x Ayato]

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Thoma POV:

The glasses clink together as I gather them on my tray, I knocked twice gently on the door then slid it open and stepped into the room. "Good morning waka, I got you tea" I said, setting it on the table, "Mmm... thanks Thoma" he said tiredly. I looked over and almost got a nosebleed, he was wearing a bathrobe, but it was really ahem, short. It revealed his thighs and it was done up loosely which revealed his chest. I couldn't help but stare for a while, oh god... "Thoma?" came a voice and it snapped me back into reality, "are you okay? You zoned out there for a second? What? Are you checking me out?" Ayato teased. I blushed and felt as if I was underwater, "N-no..." I said and looked away, Ayato smirked, "I know you better than that Thoma, come here" he said beckoning me over, I sighed quietly and walked over nervously. He pulled me into a tight embrace, my face was pushed into his warm chest, my heart rate increased and my face was definitely red, "you're so cute Thoma '' he chuckled and pecked me gently on the cheek. Suddenly, the door slid open and Ayaka walked in. I instantly stood up and began writing on the table and Ayato stood up and started dusting the shelves. Ayaka looked at us sceptically, "Why are you two doing each other's jobs?" she asked, giving us the sus eyes, Ayato and I turned to look at each other, oh shoot... I didn't even notice I just kinda rushed to do something that WASN'T SUS, "Aha, milady, I was just writing a story" I said and tried to smile, "And I was helping Thoma out, poor guy was exhausted" Ayato said in a tone that he hoped was convincing. "Hm, okay lovebirds~" she said and giggled behind her fan, "who are you callin-" I called but she ran out of the door smirking. I sighed, "Waka, wanna go to the beach?" I offered to try to clear up any tension, "Uh... I haven't been to the beach in a while, but I'd be happy to go" he said and gave me a small smile. He went to the bathroom to get changed while I went to pack our bags and get changed as well. I wore a red T-shirt with transparent buttons, and black shorts with a golden bow. As I walked out, Ayato came behind me dressed in his usual clothes. "Uh, waka... we're heading to the beach, I don't think those are suitable clothes to go to a beach..." I said looking at him up and down, "It's not?" he asked mock innocently, I smacked my forehead. I handed him a dark blue T-shirt with black buttons with light blue shorts with a white bow, "Here, have my spare shirt and shorts, they're matching in style, I think it should fit you, we do have the same size clothing wise, right?" I asked, he nodded and thanked me and quickly ran inside to change again. 

About 5 minutes later, he came out wearing the clothes I gave him, he looked so different from the normal elegant and formal Ayato. I'm not complaining though, he looks absolutely epic! "Better?" he asked, "Definitely!" I said as I took his hand and went to the teleporting point outside the Kamisato Estate. "Wait, we aren't going to the beach down at Konda Village?" he said while tightening his grip on my hand, "Nope! We're going to Falcon Coast in my hometown, Mondstadt '' I said, he smiled, "Happy to do anything new~" he said as I felt the wind whoosh past me when we teleported. The sun shone down at us while seagulls called to each other in the air. I walked a couple of paces forward to examine the surroundings, "Ouch ouch ouch..." I turned around to see Ayato jumping like a cricket on the sand, "too hot..." he said still jumping around, I let a laugh escape my mouth, I pointed to some wet sand just ahead, "If you stand over there it should be less hot" I said cheerfully as he leapt his way there, "Ahhh, much better" he said with a relieved look on his face, "we should apply some sunscreen, otherwise we're going to get sunburnt" I said and took a tube of sunscreen out from the bag I packed earlier, I squeezed some out on my hand and passed the tube to Ayato then began applying it on my face, neck, arms, and legs. I turned around to look at Ayato and his face was all white, the sunscreen was smeared messily all over his body, I couldn't help it. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, W-w-waka AHAHAHAH What on earth did you do to yourself?" I said gripping my sides still laughing, "Quit laughing..." he said and pouted, I went over and helped him apply it on evenly, grabbing onto his arms, feeling his legs, and caressing his cheek made my heart flutter and beat loudly, ugh, be still my heart! "There, that should do it!" I said taking a final inspection, "Thank you Thoma... I am really out of practice for beach activities'' he said sheepishly, "That's alright!" I said and led him to a shady spot to set up the umbrellas and picnic mats, we used the power of teamwork and quickly set up a very nice hangout spot, red and blue umbrellas with stripes were stuck into the sand hovering over some light blue and black picnic mats, I set the chilly bin and beach bag down, and ran into the ocean, "Come over here!" I shouted at Ayato, he followed, then immediately jumped out, "The water is freezing!" he exclaimed, "don't worry you'll get used to it after a while!" and eventually he did, because moments later he and I were having an epic water fight jumping over the waves and splashing around like kids. I panted slightly, "why don't I show you how to make a sandcastle?" I said as I led him out of the water for a break, there were wrinkles appearing on my finger tips, "Sand...castle?" he asked, confused, part of me is willing to teach, but part of me is surprised that he didn't know what a sand castle was. I knelt down on the sand and started gathering sand in a pile and started shaping it. Soon, I made a tiny castle. "Oh!" he said in awe, "Why don't you go gather some shells or flowers? I'll let you decorate it!" I said pointing to some nearby cecilia and windwheel aster, "Sure!" he said as he went to get some decorations. Not long after, I see Ayato running to me from a distance carrying cecilias, windwheel asters, small lamp grass, and a few starconches. "Is this enough?" he said laying down his finds beside the sandcastle, the pile went up to my knees... "That's more than enough!" I said shocked, "Ehe, I kinda overdid it didn't I?" he said scratching his head, "Most definitely".

He began placing the shells on the front of the castle and pressed the flowers around the walls of the castle, finishing it off with leaves in the moat. "Ta da! What do you think?" Ayato said to me excitedly, "It looks great!" I said, "Waka, I also want to show you something" I went back to the umbrellas and took out a blow up surfboard. I began pumping air in it, after a minute or two, it was done. I ran towards the ocean and lay on my belly on the board paddling forward, soon I was able to catch a wave as I stood up and surfed on the board, "Woah Thoma! Be careful!" Ayato said, watching me shocked, soon I came down and ran back up to him, "That's surfing!" I said, "I can first teach you how to paddle board" I offered and grabbed an oar, "What's that?" Ayato asked. "It's when you stand on the surfboard and use the oar to paddle in the direction you want, pretty relaxing I'd say! You could stand or kneel, sitting is extremely impractical" I said explaining, "Hm, alright, I'll have a go" I steadied the board for Ayato to kneel on, "Just paddle left and right to go in a straight line" I called as I gave him a small push as he began paddling, soon he was paddling up and down the beach, "Thoma! I'm doing it!" he shouted, I gave him the thumbs up, I went back to the umbrellas to do some yoga, about 15 minutes later, I heard a shout, "THOMA! HELP!" I jumped up and ran over to the ocean. Ayato had fallen off the paddle board due to a huge wave that came up unexpectedly. I dived into the ocean and dragged him out, I placed him carefully on the beach and cleaned up the small cuts and applied bandages. "Are you alright?" I asked worriedly, "Yes I'm alright, still need to get used to the whole beach thing" he said trailing off a little, "but you got to admit today is fun, right?" I asked hopefully, "Anything is fun, as long as it's with you~" he said and kissed me on the lips just as the sun began to set.

"W-waka..." I said flustered, he smiled, "I love you Thoma, your unwavering loyalty and kindness drew me in, your emerald green eyes and glowing blonde hair is irresistible and yo-" I clamped my hand over his mouth while blushing, "Stop! I get the idea, you're making me feel so flustered!" I shook and hugged him, his facial expression softened, "I love you waka" I said as the sun finished its descent, "I will always and forever~".

Soon, we returned back to the Kamisato Estate, Ayaka was really surprised to see us dressed so casually, having sand on our legs and messy wet hair. "Where'd you two go?" she asked, "We went to the beach sis, and I'm dating Thoma now" he said proudly and pointed to me, she giggled, "I always knew you two were in love" she said and went back to her training. I tidied up the beach equipment back into the cupboard and made a quick batch of katsu sandwiches and handed one to Ayato, "Thank you bby~" he says softly, I sat down beside him on the patio and placed my hand on his, I watched the stars wink down at us, beautiful, just like him~ 

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