Camping [Kazuha x Heizou]

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Authors note: THANK YOU GUYS SM FOR THE 4.2K reads, I appreciate this a lot. REQUESTS ARE OPEN, I will be writing some ships you guys suggest or a fun little oneshot of your two favorite characters. Love you guys!! 

Kazuha POV:

I peek into the living room to see my boyfriend peacefully sleeping on the couch, I chuckle gently and pounce on him, he jolts "KAZU!!" I feel his heart beat pounding against my face. "Heizouuuuu stop being a slump on the couch and come with me on an adventure" I pout cutely. He sighs and holds me close "How about a camping trip in Mt Tianheng? It's a good spot for sunsets and it gives me a chance to visit Liyue" I nod enthusiastically at the idea. I immediately get up and head into the bedroom to pack. Clothes...hygiene products... food...water... Yes, that's about it. I zip up the maple leaf themed bag and the detective suitcase and I carry them out to the living room. "Ready to go?" I say, offering an arm, "Always!" Heizou smiles at me sweetly and I feel my heart melt, he hooks his arm through mine and we begin our hike to the top of Mt Tianheng. The sun was shining brightly today, the birds were chirping and the clouds danced slowly in the air. We made our way to the top where a beautiful panoramic view of the mountainside and harbour greeted us, "Wooow... so pretty" he said breathlessly and sat on the edge of the cliff. I pressed my lips close to his ear and whispered "Not as pretty as you~" Heizou's face immediately went beet red, I chuckled to myself. I got out the tent and began setting it up, making sure the tent pegs are stuck firmly on the ground. I rolled out the yellow sleeping bags and told Heizou I was going to fetch some firewood. I walk deep into the forest looking up to see the sunshine peek through the layers of branches and leaves, I take a deep breath in to smell the earthy scent of fir trees, I begin to cut down a couple of branches and begin making my way back.

When I got back to the campsite, Heizou had got a fire going, I placed the wood into the fire and the flames grew higher. The orange hues flicker in the air as the heat radiates from it, soon the night falls the stars twinkle in the sky...almost like it's winking down at us. I hand Heizou a stick with a few marshmallows on it  "Want to make some smores?" I ask.

 "Yes yes! Absolutely!" he says excitedly and holds his stick out into the fire, I hold my stick just shy of the flames as I watch the fire tickle the marshmallows, soon a thin layer of brown coats the marshmallows and I pull my stick away from the fire. I grab out four chocolate cookies and I smear the melted marshmallows on them and put another cookie on top like a sandwich, Heizou looks over at me and copies what I do. I bite into the melty sugary goodness as I let it dissolve my soul, Heizou scooches over and  presses a little chocolate flavoured kiss on my lips, I took his face in my hands and deepened the kiss, this was the cherry on top. Soon, the flames died down and the only source of light was the bright full moon and the millions and millions of stars, I remove my shoes and pull Heizou to his feet. "Lets dance... shall we?" I say softly, looking at him lovingly. His pale green eyes glint slightly in the moonlight, "We...we shall..." Heizou also removes his shoes and we begin slow dancing in the dark, the grass is soft under my feet and the crickets chirp quietly in the background, I pull Heizou closer to me until I could just feel that soft heartbeat I knew I loved. I press my forehead into his and I kiss him ever so gently. "I love you Heizou, I always will... y-you're the best thing that has ever happened to me, don't you ever forget that, okay?". Tears glistened in his eyes as he said in a slightly wobbly voice, "I-I'll remember... and I love you too Kazu~". We climb into the tent and snuggle together in the huge sleeping bag, my eyelids slowly become heavier until I couldn't hold them open longer... 

The next morning I was awoken by a roar, I sit up in an instant and notice Heizou is not beside me... a rush of panic washes over me as I scramble to my feet and rushes out of the tent to see him fending off a bear. Bruises and cuts were all over his body as he uses the firewood to try and usher it away. My eyes widen in fear as the bear lunges towards him, I throw myself in front of him and the bear bites my arm, pain spreads throughout my whole body but I muster enough strength to stab the bear in the eye as it roars out in pain and runs away. "KAZUHA!!!" Heizou rushes to me and examines the wound, "!!" he shouts as he carries me in his arms all the way to Bubu pharmacy. I feel my consciousness slip away from me, I pass out. I'm not sure how long it has been, but when my eyes flutter open I could just make out Heizou towering over me with a worried look on his face. "Kazuha you're awake!" he says as his voice breaks, tears stream down his face as he hugs me tightly, I make soothing noises in attempt to calm him down, about half an hour later his sobs died out. "I-I was so worried, thank gosh you're okay!" he says "how are you feeling now?" I give him a little smile, " hurts a bit but definitely much better, thank you Heizou, I don't know what I'd do without you" I kiss his hair gently. 

Later I was allowed to leave the back room of Bubu pharmacy, I wave and thank Baizhu and Changsheng before leading Heizou to a peaceful spot under a big maple tree, "T-This is where we first met..." Heizou says while smiling, I nod and my heart feels all warm and fuzzy. We sit down under the tree and lean against the rough bark as many blood red leaves flutter down on us, I catch one and places it on Heizou's head, he chuckles. "Just like the old times..."

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