Snowy Journey [Cyno x Tighnari]

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Cyno POV:

The sand blew gently across the desert, I could hear the vultures calling from above, the sun was beating down as hard as ever today. Today I will be going to Gandharva Ville to get herbs and learn about them and bring them to the desert for the citizens there to know. I picked up my polearm and went to the nearest teleporting point, I got there in a matter of seconds. As I made my way over, I was greeted by trainee forest ranger, Collei. "Ah, General Mahamatra! Master has been waiting for you, ehehe" I gave her a sharp nod, socialising wasn't my strongest suit. I pushed back the leaves that act like doors to a little hut, a strong gust of mushroom blasted in my face, different shades of foresty green danced in the air , I swatted the air to try to see clearly. Then, suddenly... BOOOM!!!! An explosion of flowers and leaves occured, I coughed and spluttered, Tighnari took off his lab goggles and started coughing as well, "Oh... ahem... er... Cyno! Sorry about this, I was testing a new medicine" I peeled a Sumeru rose off my forehead, "Uh, yeah! No worries, I was here for the herb lesson thing..." I said then trailed off continuing to peel the flowers off of me. "Ah, yes, you're actually the only person who bothered to come, we're heading to Dragonspine since Dragonspine has the most abundant supply of them," he said, picking up some baskets. He handed me one as I began wondering, herbs that grew in thick snow? I guess there's a first time for everything. While we walked there, I noticed Tighnari acting a little nervous around me. Was I too serious? Did I look scary? I decided to crack a joke. "Hey Tighnari, do you know what creature in Teyvat is the most unhygienic?" his ears lowered in deep thought, "I don't know, what?" he said, I smiled, I loved explaining my jokes in great detail. "It's a cryo slime! Because they refuse to touch the water, and th-" I was interrupted by Tighnari giggling, "Heh, that's pretty funny" he said without looking up. I began panicking, nobody ever laughed at my jokes... they either laugh at me or not laugh at all. "Are you feeling alright? Are you sick? DO YOU HAVE A FEVER?" I asked, "Seems like you're the one having it though..." he said smiling. I didn't speak at all for the rest of the walk, what is this feeling? Why is my heart beating so hard? I mean, Tighnari is so adorable with his ears and big fluffy tail and... UGH FOCUS, YOU ARE THE GENERAL MAHAMATRA, ACT COOL, I thought in my head as we reached the foot of the mountain. "Wow, that's a mighty tall mountain alright, we're going to head to Starglow Cavern to find the first set of herbs" he said, I nodded and we started heading up. If I only knew that Dragonspine was going to be THIS cold, I would have brought a coat, desert clothes in a snowy mountain is a definite no go. Tighnari must've noticed me shivering, because he stopped halfway and said, "Hm, I guess we Sumeru citizens don't see weather like this very often... oh, are you cold? You could tuck your hands in my tail if you want...~" my face turned red, "U-uh w-w-what?" I said, my teeth chattering. He just simply wagged his tail in my direction and looked at me to go ahead, I slowly but surely edged forward and carefully tucked my hands inside, ah so warm... I hadn't expected this. "Better?" he said, I nodded trying not to mentally and physically scream happily. Keep your composure Cyno, keep calm. We headed up to Starglow Cavern, the icicles hung off the roof of the cave like chandeliers of crystalline seahorses, I stared at myself in the large ice chunks on the sides of the cave, I looked all distorted and googly. "Tighnari, look!" I said, and tugged on his arm. He looked into the ice as I made silly faces, "Hahahaha!" He laughed loudly. CRACK CRACK CRACK!! I saw cracks forming on the sides of the cave, "You laughed too loud! Avalanche!" I shouted as I dragged him into a corner and forced him to huddle into a ball, I covered him with my body as the snow and ice tumbled down. I felt a sharp pain in my waist as an icicle crashed down on me, but there wasn't time to scream out, once the snow and ice tumbling died down. I got up wincing in pain, "Cyno! You're bleeding! Here, use some of this harra fruit spray I made!" Tighnari said worriedly, I usually don't let others help me, but this time, I let Tighnari do his thing. Surprisingly, the wound stopped stinging, Tighnari then gave me his scarf and wrapped it around my waist to stop any germs from going in. I gave him a hug, he seemed surprised, but slowly hugged me back. I stood up slightly wobbly, as we made a quick job of collecting the 3 different sets of herbs, "Alright, that's a job well done! Let's get back to Gandharva Ville and I'll explain them to you, if you still have enough energy..." he said and looked back at me. I nodded as I caught up to him, "Tighnari, uh..." I looked really shy, but I had to confess something. "Hm?" He looked at me curiously. "" I managed to say, I started shifting around on my feet uncomfortably, fidgeting like crazy. Suddenly, Tighnari grabbed me gently and kissed me right on the lips in the snow. I know, so romantic~ as he pulled away, he said happily, "I love you too Cyno!" He hooked his arm through mine and we told each other the best Dad jokes we know of all the way back.

20 minutes later, we arrived back in Gandharva Ville, I saw Collei in the distance running towards us, she seemed to be surprised to see Tighnari hooking his arm through mine, and me wearing his scarf on my waist. "M-master! You're back!" she said, Tighnari smiled at her. "Yes yes! Please treat Cyno's wound if you could be so kind" he said pointing to my waist, "of course Master Tighnari!" she said cheerfully as she cleaned the wound and applied a real bandage to it. I thanked her and headed out of the small hut to find Tighnari to return his scarf. I went down to the nearest lake and started washing the scarf first, it was stained with blood and harra fruit spray. I rang the water out and shook it dry, I headed back up to the huts, I spotted familiar looking ears behind a tree, I walked closer, "Tighnari!" I called, "your scarf!" his ears twitched as he turned around, "Cyno~ my love" he said softly as he took the scarf. I blushed. "Come sit!" he said, and patted the grass beside him. I leaned against the rough bark as we watched life go on at Gandharva Ville. I took his hand, and squeezed it gently, he squeezed it back. As the sunset, and the birds go back to their nests, we passionately kiss one last time before our surroundings become too dark to see...~ 

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