My First Love [Zhongli x Childe]

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Childe POV:

Hoot, hoot! The ear piercing boat horn rang in my ears, I didn't really flinch since I've experienced louder noises. The boat was slowly coming to a halt at the ports of Liyue Harbor. Her Majesty, the Tsaritsa had specially assigned me the job to distract the Geo Archon while Signora and some recruits sneak their way to the gnosis. The instructions were quite abrupt, her majesty wasn't the most patient kind, so I'll do the best I can. I stepped off the boat and took a deep breath in and soaked in the view around me, feeling slightly dizzy. I decided to sit down and have a good meal, after all, the trip was 6 hours long. I squinted and read a sign nearby that said "Wanmin Restaurant", the aroma of food clung to the air, I walked over and sat down on the wooden stool and let out a sigh.
"Tired?" said a voice that was manly, deep, and smooth. I spun around to be greeted by a pair of amber eyes; with traditional Chinese eyeliner, I took a closer look at the man, and his entire look was different shades of gold, brown, yellow, and black. He wore a suit and had a calm composure. The man cleared his throat abruptly, then I snapped back into reality.

"Ah, sorry, yes. I've just been on a 6 hour boat trip from Snezhnaya". I rubbed my head slightly, something about this man made me feel funny. As I ordered, he introduced himself as Zhongli, a consultant at a funeral parlour, and we chatted for quite some time. When our food arrived, I asked for some utensils to eat with, Xiangling handed me two sticks... I stared at them in confusion, I peeked over at Zhongli and tried to copy the way he's holding it but failed miserably. My hands wouldn't stop shaking, I kept losing grip, and I had already dropped 5 bits of tofu on the floor. Gosh, how do people in Liyue do this? As I attempted some more, Zhongli took the chopsticks from my hand then picked up some food.
"Say aahh~" he murmured, I looked at him in disbelief. I was not a child... but I'd rather not struggle, so I just did as he said. I stared at him as he fed me mouthful after mouthful, it could be just me but I saw a faint hint of pink on both his cheeks, was he blushing? I pushed that thought out of my mind, the next few months, I spent more time with Zhongli, and I realised our personalities are the complete opposite and somehow we still bond very nicely.

"So Childe, tell me about your family and friends, I'm curious!" Zhongli said while sipping tea. "Sure! So, I'm the 11th Fatui harbinger, and where I'm from my family always comes first. I have 3 younger siblings, Anton, Tonia, and Teucer. Currently the only one who doesn't know I serve the Tsaritsa is Teucer, he's still young and innocent, which is why I tell him I work as a sales merchant that sells toys, I mean, that's the best job imaginable for a 5 year old, right? As for friends, I got you for now" I beamed brightly. Zhongli nodded in amusement, I raised an eyebrow at him indicating it was his turn, he cleared his throat.

"I had many friendships over the years, sometimes it doesn't turn out the way they were meant to be. I had a friend called Osial, but he and I had an argument, so we had to part ways. I was friendless for a while until I met a young lady among the glaze lilies named Guizhong, she was incredibly talented in machinery, and extremely clever and wise. However, she lacks in strength which is where I came in, I helped defend her as a good friend would. Overtime, I started to have feelings for her, but that all came crashing down one day." He paused for a bit feeling a bit reluctant, I rubbed his back gently telling him it was alright to continue, and I wouldn't judge. " Ahem, so I was finishing up some duties and decided to check up on her since I was out longer than usual, I peeked through the doorway and saw her... ahem... making out with... another girl... from that moment I had kept my distance, surely and soon enough, the news got out that the girl was her lover, I felt quite disappointed, she also barely had time for me anymore, so I let her go. Sadly, she passed away a bit after, it took a few months to get over it, but we all have to let go of the past and people sometimes." My heart ached for him, truly. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around him. He jolted a little by the sudden move, but I didn't care, I wanted to make sure he's feeling calmer. "Thank you Childe" he splutters. "You're welcome, I'm glad you got over her very easily and moved on with your life, I would have never" I said with a smile. He grinned back.

A couple of days passed, and I received an urgent notice from Ekaterina telling me that the Tsaritsa needs the deed done now, so I brought my A game and headed to the Golden House, where the gnosis was said to be kept. The code on the door was easily cracked as I've studied for this on the boat. After all, what else are you supposed to do for 6 hours? I walked in, the room was filled with dunes of mora, golden Chinese patterns were engraved on the walls, as I moved further into the room, there I saw a tall muscular statue of Morax, the God of Contracts and the Lord of Geo. I quickly transform into my delusion form, thanks to my mask I will not die. I plunged my hand into the statue's chest, thinking I got something, so I pulled my hand out. As I opened my palm, Geo energy evaporated from my hand, I was enraged, the gnosis isn't there? Who beat me to it? I ran out of the Golden House and went to Northland Bank as fast as I possibly could. I am going to get some intel if the Fatui got intercepted, or did another harbinger get there first? I could not let the Tsaritsa down, I banged the door open panting for breath. Then I saw something that shook the living daylights out of me, Signora was standing with Zhongli, and Zhongli had the Geo gnosis in his hand... wait... I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, sweat banded on my forehead, I couldn't believe it, the man I have been friends with for the past few months was the FREAKING GEO ARCHON? I was standing there speechless for a second, then Signora broke the ice.

"Perfect timing Tartaglia!" she sneered, I didn't understand what she meant, but I'm sure she wanted to discuss business. The thing is, she sounded like I had to be in the conversation, but I had no participation... but I listened on, as the information was key, Zhongli firstly apologised to me for not telling the truth when we met, and I told him it was alright, as it was understandable to conceal identities, like I've been doing with Teucer. Then, I piped up with a question.

"Why are you handing us the gnosis so directly?" deep inside, I thought that wasn't a good question to ask at this time, as he might just recoil and not give us the gnosis, grrrr, can't risk that, I've got to stay loyal to her majesty. He gave me a wink, it was those types of winks people give you when they want you to wait and see, so I didn't argue. I didn't have the energy left in me, the delusion eats up most of my stamina, so I usually don't use it, unless in combat. Zhongli handed Signora the Geo gnosis, it flickered slightly in her grasp. "Thank you Rex Lapis, here is your prize!" she said, as she shoved me in Zhongli's direction, I wasn't ready for the sudden shove and I toppled over and fell into Zhongli's arms. A weird sensation fell over me, I felt really hot and my face started to burn, my heart started beating really fast and there were butterflies swarming in my stomach. I couldn't stand it anymore, I steadied myself and bellowed, "WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE CLEARLY STATE WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!". The room fell silent, then Zhongli spoke up, he told me when he met me he had fallen for me at first sight, then later on Signora approached him since she knew that he was the Geo archon, she first tried to get the gnosis by force, but she was no match for him so they settled a contract. The contract was the Geo gnosis in exchange for ... me. I stood there speechless for a second, I KNEW HE WAS BLUSHING AT THE RESTAURANT. Signora then left with the Geo gnosis and I was standing there alone with Zhongli, he took my hands and made eye contact, "Childe, do you love me back?" he asked. I stared deep into his amber eyes, then the feeling started again, I felt the fizz of chemistry and my heart melted, I squeezed his hands gently and whispered a yes in his ear.

Fast forward, 2 weeks later the news of us becoming an official couple was out. After a tiring day of commissions, I ran into Zhongli's arms as he was brewing tea. He and I kissed passionately until we're both on the floor giggling and laughing in a messy heap. A while later, the tea was finished brewing and we enjoyed it over a romantic movie. He caressed my cheek and said, " I love you... Ajax" I gasped, no one called me except my family, " I love you too Zhongli" I smiled and nuzzled into his chest.The candle in the opposite room flickered slightly and the spirit of Guizhong quietly appeared. I was quite startled, but she put her finger to her lips as a signal for me to be quiet, she mouthed a "Congrats" and smiled supportively then disappeared leaving a pile of dust ashes behind I went back to the living room, feeling a new sense of happiness, I leaned over and kissed Zhongli on the cheek lightly, he brought me into an embrace, we stayed like this for the whole night. A shooting star dances in the air with the crackling fireplace as new hopes and new dreams start to blossom. 

NOTE: The girl Guizhong was making out with was Madame Ping btw for those who were confused, and so sorry if this was long, most of them are pretty long cause DeTaiLs!! 

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