Misinterpretation [Cyno x Tighnari]

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Tighnari POV:

I bent down to examine the fungi growing out of a tree trunk, it had a brown conical cap and a white body. I watched as ANOTHER clueless adventurer eat one, it seemed to cause him to hallucinate and have delirium. I sat under a nearby palm tree and took out my notebook and began noting exactly what I had just found out. I was thinking to bring the notes to Collei so she can do more research on the cure, as I walked back to Gandharva Village I noticed a tiny figure in a black cloak with ears that looked a lot like... "HEY CYNO!" I yelled, I haven't seen him since the abrupt meeting in Caravan Ribat. As the figure slowly turned around, I realised it wasn't him, but it looked like him, but he shrunk? He looked at me in awe, as I stared awkwardly, "Uhhh, are you lost? Where are your caregivers?" He took me by the hand and led me to a nearby tent, the fire was crackling as Harra fruit and Zaytun Peaches were being dried. Another black cloaked figure sat peeling the skins off the fruits, as he took his hood off, I realised that was definitely Cyno. He looked up and said, "Ah, there you are Razor". Razor? That was his name? Razor then pointed at me and said, "Look human lupical! I found pretty green man!" Cyno's mouth twitched into a smirk, "Hehe, you sure have a good taste Razor" he stopped peeling the fruits and greeted me with a kiss. I felt an electric shock through my body, I didn't even want to know how red my face was at that time, my ears began twitching then my tail began wagging. Cyno then sat me down on his lap and picked out the burrs stuck in my tail, my heart was about to be flipped inside out. I pressed my face into his warm shoulder as the day went on. Later on, we were awoken by a young boy's voice shouting "Razor! Long time no see!" Both Cyno and I jumped on our feet, to see a young boy with blonde hair, aerial goggles, an extremely patchy outfit, and a yellow bandana on his arm. His arms were also covered with scars, I'm sure my new starshroom serum would have helped, but now was not the time. He ran towards Razor and pulled him into a bear hug, later he noticed us staring and introduced himself as Bennett, it turns out he was Razor's best friend in Mondstadt. Soon, the two headed back to Mondstadt as the sky grew dark. Cyno and I lay out like a starfish on an empty patch of grass, staring at the stars winking down at us, "Hey, that one looks like you!" I said, as I pointed to a group of stars, "It's cute" I heard him say, "but not as cute as you~" I felt my face burn up again, why was he so freaking adorable fdsfsdfs? I scooted over slowly and kissed him, he seemed surprised I made the first move, but there were no complaints and no words said, I hugged him tight as a shooting star danced across the sky, "I wish I am forever on Cyno's side..." I smiled as my eyelids got too heavy, and drifted off into a deep slumber. 

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