Keys [Kaveh x Alhaitham]

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NOTE: Another short one my apologies~ 

Kaveh POV:

I fumble through the keys in frustration, that stupid scholar changed the order again. I tried key after key but it still wouldn't fit in the lock, damn you Alhaitham!!!!! I finally found the key to the front door, I unlocked it and found the idiot peacefully reading on the leafy couch, oblivious to my existence. I lost it, this was the fourth time this week. "ALHAITHAM YOU ANNOYING INSECT, WILL YOU PLEASE STOP CHANGING THE KEY ORDER FOR GODS NAME-" He looked up at me emotionless, "Shut up, I'm trying to read" was his response. I marched straight up to him, "No you shut u-" before I could say 'up' he pulled me into a tight embrace, my face was pressed into his muscular body, why was my heart doing somersaults? By the time I lost my voice, he let me go and went back to reading his book. THIS GUY, seriously, this guy! I decided to not call him out about the key thing for a while, I don't really want to be put into that awkward situation again, my heart hasn't beat this hard before in my life.

The next day, the Traveller was somehow brought into the house, wait, are they actors to be his friends? Does the bookworm even have friends? After they left, I piped up, "Ayo, you're getting pretty affectionate with our dear traveller, aren't you?" I said in a teasing tone. "I saw you smiling after all, and you never smile!" I smirked. He then said without looking at me, "I'm afraid you're wrong, I did no such thing" I knew he was lying. "Psht, come on! I've known you for YEARS and I can tell your expressions" his face softened, "Fine, you're right, I'm sorry for my behaviour towards you the past few weeks, I'll make it up, promise" he said, it sounded quite sincere, but I wasn't sure if there were more tricks up his sleeve, so I said, "You better!" . 

Later in the afternoon, the Traveller dropped by again to give us the Harra fruit and Nilotpala lotuses we requested a few days ago. "Ah Traveller!" I heard him say, "May I introduce you to... THE LOVE OF MY LIFE WHO I WILL NEVER CHEAT OR BETRAY, THE LIGHT OF MY EXISTENCE, THE REASON I WAKE UP EVERYDAY, WHO I LOVE DEARLY AND PASSIONATELY... I hope you guys get along well" I was so flustered my hands started shaking, I don't even want to know how stupidly cringe I looked, "A-alhaitham!!!" I said exasperatedly. He looked at me lovingly and hooked his arm through mine, "what's wrong love?" he said oblivious to my facial expression of shock. My face burned, then Paimon broke the ice. "Seriously? Right in front of my fruit juice?" I gave them a friendly smile before they put the fruits on the table and left. I collapsed on the couch staring up at the wooden ceiling, and my heart pounding. Oh no, it's doing the thing again! I smashed my face into the cushion, and screamed my heart out. I then felt butterfly kisses on my head, "YOU WERE BEING SERIOUS?" I said as I jolted up. He looked so sneaky, he said, "I knew you always had a crush on me, and I did like you back, why else would I keep teasing you?" the light dawned on me. I tackled him to the ground before hugging him tightly, "you little insect..." I said cheekily.

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