The Singin' Childe [Zhongli x Childe]

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Childe POV:

I looked around at the small room Zhongli had given me to stay in, it was very cosy and had a Chinese vintage vibe to it, the smell of old books clung to the air. I spotted a piano in the corner of the room, curiosity got the better of me, I lifted the lid up and played a chord, I was surprised it was still in tune. After a few more chords, my body switched into music mode and I began playing, I lost myself in the music, I did a few jazzy beats then sang, "I don't feel a single thing, have the pills done too much, haven't caught up with my friends in weeks and now we're outta touch, been driving in Snezhnaya, the world feels too big, like ball that's bound to break, break my psyche like a twig, I just wanna see, if you feel the same as me, do you get a little bit tired of life? Like, you're not happy but you don't wanna die, you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive, you gotta survive, your body is in the room but you're not really there, you're fresh out of love but it's still in the air, am I past repair? A little bit tired of trying to care when I don't, a little bit tired of these quick repairs to cope..." by the time I finished I heard a pair of hands clapping behind me, I shuddered. "Babe, I didn't know you could sing," Zhongli said softly and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed, "Ahahah, I'm not very confident..." I said fiddling with my fingers a little. He put a hand on my shoulder, "are you kidding? You're amazing!" I smiled and allowed a giggle to escape my mouth, "I love you Zhongli" I said hugging him, "Me too Ajax, me too" he said and hugged back. "Why don't you come downstairs? I've made dinner" he said as he held my hand and guided me downstairs into the kitchen. My keen nose picked up the scent of seafood, wait, but didn't Zhongli not like seafood? I frowned, "Baby, didn't you say you didn't like seafood?" I said with a hint of surprise in my voice, he nodded, "Yes, but I wanted to surprise you today" he said and carried a plate of squid soup and fried prawns to the table, he and I ate the food quietly, I could tell he winced when eating it, "do you want to eat something else?" I said, I couldn't bear to see him so uncomfortable, "Nono Childe, I need to get used to seafood again" was his reply. He hastily finished the rest of the food, and washed it down with two cups of water. "What's today's plan?" I asked while washing the dishes, "why don't we go to Mondstadt today?" he suggested, "that's so random of you, what are we going to do in Mondstadt?" I asked curiously, "Windblume is currently on in Mondstadt, I thought a little bit of festive energy will do us both some good" he said rubbing his chin, he was right, it's been 3 months since Lantern Rite, and we haven't done anything particularly festive.

"Come on Childe" he said as he took my hand and led me to the nearest teleport point. Just a few seconds later, our feet touch the ground of the City of Freedom. The windmills were decorated with cecilia tinsel, floral banners were draped around and across the houses as turquoise mats were laid at the entrance of the city. "Halt! Please state your identity" I looked up to see a knight walking towards us, "Zhongli, Consultant at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor in Liyue" he said and looked at me, "Childe, 11th Fatui Harbinger, don't worry I'm not here for trouble" I added, I didn't want to create drama during our date in Mondstadt. "Alright, you may go" the knight said, saluted, then left to attend to his duties. We took our first step into the city, everybody stared at us, I overheard a little girl saying, "Mommy, who is that man?" she pointed at me, "his eyes are scary..." her mother pulled her arm and led her away while saying, "don't look honey, he's with the Fatui'' I leaned over where my mouth was inches apart from Zhongli's ear, "Babe, are you embarrassed to be seen with me? We're getting stares, you know, with me being a harbinger and all?" he looked at me as if I was bonkers, "of course not, you're my lover, there's no way I'd ever be embarrassed" he said simply and continued walking with my hand in his. "Moraaaaaaxxxxxx..." came a voice, it was a voice of a young man with a slight accent, it sounded like he was drunk, I saw a bard wearing a turquoise cape, a white shirt, with a cecilia in his hat stagger over to us, "Shut up" Zhongli said to him, "don't call me that in public" he said looking around for people. "S-sorry *hic* anyways, how are ya old man?" his eyes skimmed over me, they shone in interest. "Oho~ bought your precious boyfriend here, huh? I haven't seen you bring a lover over 'ere in ages, the last being Lady Guizhon-'' Zhongli coughed abruptly, "Guizhong and I weren't lovers, quit making up random rumours you drunkard" he said firmly, "You blockhead..." he said and staggered back to the tavern. "What was all that about?" I asked, frowning slightly, he sighed, "Ugh, don't mind him..." he said with annoyance in his voice. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a small stall where there were instruments displayed on the shelves, "come on Zhongli! I want to show you something!" I said as I grabbed his hand and took him to the stall, "Welcome!" said the lady at the stall, "Which instrument will it be?" she said and gestured at the instruments on display. There was a little wooden drum, a harp, and a guitar, no piano unfortunately. "I'll go with the harp please" I said, taking the harp "Sure! Which piece would you like to play?" she said as she handed me a slightly dusty book with music papers inside, "I'll try 'Contemplation in the Snow' pro mode" I said fixing on a confident grin, she displayed the notes on the projector as I began, I played effortlessly dancing on the stage as I went, as the ending notes faded away I could see the impressed look on Zhongli's face, to no surprise, I got 100.00%. "Well done!" the lady said, clapping, I thanked her and left with Zhongli. He side eyed me while saying, "I never knew my bb was so talented~" and kissed me on the lips. "Zhongli..." I hissed, "I don't care" he said, without flinching, it's like he knew what I was going to say. I blushed, he caressed my cheek, "you're so cute Ajax" he said. "Time for me to impress you!" he said and led me to a photo taking point near the cathedral. "Just stand there and pose normally" he called over from the distance, I struck an elegant pose as I heard the camera shutter. I climbed down from the photo taking spot and rushed over, "how'd it go?" He handed me the picture for me to have a look at it myself, it was magnificent! It was angled perfectly, I haven't even seen myself in this angle, "Oh my gosh babe, you're so good at this" I said happily, I couldn't contain myself and kissed him on the lips, he looked at me slyly, "now who was embarrassed..." I slapped his arm playfully, "shut up~" I said quietly under my breath.

"Why don't we play a round of Windtrace?" I suggested, "good idea!" he said as we began to head to the allocated location, it was in Springvale. On the way, we bumped into the Traveller and Paimon. "Ah, greetings comrade!" I called from a distance, "Childe and Mr Zhongli!" Aether said and waved back, "We're going to play Windtrace, want to join?" I offered, "Sure!" Paimon said and clapped her hands. We all walked up to the man setting up the game, "Welcome folks! Have we decided on a hunter?" everyone looked at each other then all eyes were on me, "Me it is then!" I said, "Alright ginger boy..." I flinched at my new nickname, Scaramouche used to call me that, I shook it off as I closed my eyes and counted to 30. Soon, the 30 seconds were up and my eyes flew open, I ran around using the net and tracker, hm... just then a favour was released into the centre of the grassy field, I sprinted towards it and activated it, I could see the rebels for 30 seconds, Zhongli peeked at me from behind a house giving me a look that said, "you'll never catch me!" I shot back a smug look and began chasing him all around the area, "Zhongli baby, let me catch you!" I yelled as he laughed just a few paces ahead of me, "You're going to have to run a bit faster than THAT to catch me Childe!" he said between multiple breaths, I pushed myself to run at my fastest speed and I hugged Zhongli from behind knocking him down, "I got you now!" I said triumphantly, "Ah, then I must admit my defeat" he said and chuckled softly, I pressed my lips into his, it was perfect, Zhongli laying in the grass as flowers grew around him, and the sun warming my back, I was interrupted by a cough. It was Aether and Paimon, "The times up, are we even playing?" said Aether with a hint of annoyance in his voice, to be honest, I forgot they were even there... I was too busy enjoying myself. "Ahaha, sorry comrade! Got a bit carried away" I said sheepishly, Paimon and Aether soon left muttering to themselves as they went. Zhongli sat up and picked a nearby dandelion, "Ajax, look~" he said and blew the dandelion seeds into the air. I watched them dance in the breeze like little angels with parachutes. I grabbed one too and blew the seeds into the air, soon the air was filled with dandelion seeds. I took Zhongli's hands and spun him around and around amidst the dandelion seeds. Soon, we fell on the grass from exhaustion, we looked at each other and smiled, it was late afternoon by the time we reached the teleport point, "Let's head back and call it a day?" I asked Zhongli, "Yeah, I'm tired," he said, resting his head on my shoulder. A few seconds later, our feet hit back into Liyue, Zhongli and I headed back to our house and collapsed on the couch. "Today was great" I said into thin air, "I agree..." Zhongli said with a hint of enthusiasm, I turned toward him, "I love you Zhongli, I love you so much", he smiled, "I love you Ajax, so much" we hugged each other and fell asleep on the couch. Before I dozed off, I spotted that bard outside the window, smirking. I rolled my eyes playfully before closing my eyes, today was a long day. 

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