I've Got Your Back! [Chongyun x Xingqiu]

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Xingqiu POV: 
*slash* My sword cuts through a whole tribe of hilichurls, the black sinister energy evaporates into the moist morning air, "yikes... thank you Xingqiu..." Chongyun wipes his brow, "wouldn't of fended them off all by myself..." I smile brightly, "it's no worries, I'm heading to Wuwang Hill to retrieve a book Hu Tao borrowed, wanna come along?" he shakes his head, "unfortunately no... I have some matters to attend to" I nod in an understanding manner before heading to the nearest teleport way point. Soon, my feet gently touches the dry grass in Wuwang Hill, the atmosphere was eerie, the wind whispers quietly among the trees, the branches stretch across the canopy covering the sun, strange blue bubbles float in various places, I could see why this place would give Paimon the heebie jeebies the last time she saw Hu Tao.  I begin making my way to the camp where I remember giving Hu Tao the book, my fingers glide across the little brooch Chongyun gave me, *sigh* he is my best friend, the only one that I feel like truly understands me, but recently... I've fallen in love with him. "My little yunyun..." I chuckle to myself, a small camp slowly comes into view, it was a mess. The cottage has collapsed, wooden planks were scattered all over the mossy grounds, and not a soul in sight, I begin my search for the book, bushes were pushed away and corners were searched. I came across an old book shelf full of books, I begin flipping through the shelf, "Hm... where is it... the Damsel in Distress, no... Dragons & Knights, no... ah! The Hummingbird!" I mutter quietly to myself, I take the book from the shelf. Phew, it was dusty... I was about to leave before a small lever catches my eye, "a lever on a bookshelf...?" I hesitantly press the lever down, just out of curiosity. The book shelf opens up revealing a dark entrance, a strong gust of wind blasts in my face, mm... it smells of god remains and herbal incense, I have to investigate! The book shelf wasn't that large, so isn't the entrance, I try my best to do contortion and squeeze myself into the small hole, the inside was pretty spacious, the rocks pile up one on top of the other like pancakes, water gently spills down from above, "what... is this?" a small ray of light hits on a small slab of jade, a comb rests on it. 

I gently touch the comb, it was cold... and glassy. When my fingers leave the comb, there was some sort of dust on it, on closer inspection... "ash, somebody has died here" I say shakily, I quickly dust my hands off and rush to find the exit again, ah there's the hole. I dive into the hole, my body bounces off and I land back into the creepy cave, huh? I bang repeatedly, but it was like an invisible barrier now covers the exit. A rush of panic consumes my body, what if I'm next? Am I supposed to be turned into ash next?! I decide to calm down and see if there was a way to destroy the invisible barrier, I walk further into the cave, cutting down excess vines with my sword, after a while an open space was revealed, it was sort of like an amphitheatre, a round open-air space with seats all around, except there were skeletons scattered all over it. My face curls into one of disgust and shock, what happened here? I step over the skeletons and make my way to the centre, there was a skull, directly and perfectly in the middle. I bend down, a screw was hammered into it, "..." I twist the skull, at first nothing happened, then a rumbling sound was heard, a shadowy monster the size of 3 lawachurls swirled out of the skull covering any light that was available, I pull out my sword slashing at it, but it goes straight through the monster,  "ROARRR" it looks down at me with hatred in it's eyes, it lunges at me, snapping at my heels and catapulting balls of fire at me, I *just* dodged them. Soon, my energy levels go down and the monster starts to gain on me, my lungs were burning, my head spinning, my hands shaking. I trip over a branch and fall face first, a surge of immense pain spreads throughout my face, blood droplets falling from my face like rain, I stand up just as the monster rears up and lunges at me again, I bring my sword up as it makes it's way towards me, suddenly a huge blast of cryo hits the monster, this surge of cryo wasn't normal, it had been infused with a light purple energy, the monster roars in pain as the elemental energy burns a hole in the centre of it, the hole gets bigger and bigger, eventually consuming the monster whole. 

The monster was no more, the sound of feet pounding on the ground was heard, "Xingqiu!" Chongyun runs in panting heavily, my heart melts, "Chongyun..." he brings me into a tight embrace, "thank goodness I found you! We got to get you to Bubu Pharmacy right now, your face..." he says worriedly, I lean my head into his chest, feeling his warmth, it was like my pain had completely disappeared. Chongyun carries me to Bubu Pharmacy, "my my!" Changsheng says upon laying her eyes on my face, "no need to panic" Baizhu says as he creates a flower infused with dendro energy, he gently presses he flower into my face, it was warm and soft... I feel the pain slowly, slowly disappear. Baizhu hands me a mirror, no blood...no scars...no marks, wow. "Thank you Doctor Baizhu" I say as I touch my face, still in awe there was nothing there, he gives me a gentle smile and goes back to the reception, Chongyun comes into the backroom, "oh you're all better now!" he says and hugs me again, "I love you" I say subconsciously, he instantly jolts and pulls away, "Huh?!" a small blush covers his cheeks, "Huh?" I say quietly, then I realised what I said, oh shoot. "Ummm..." I scratch my head awkwardly, "i-it was an-" I began, "I LOVE YOU TOO!" Chongyun blurts out, my hand pauses midway, it was my turn to blush, my heart was beating out of my chest, "uh..." we both look away, unable to meet the others eyes. There was a moment of awkward silence, I felt a gentle hand squeeze mine, "you know... I said to myself, if I was ever going to fall in love, it'd be with my best friend, guess my speculation was right, haha" a soft smile spreads across his face, I bring my face close to his, "y-you're close..." his voice is barely audible now, "and so what if I am, my liege?" I whisper quietly before kissing him softly, his lips quivered as mine makes contact, soon he kisses back gently. Chongyun slowly pulls away with a deep red blush on his face, "fufu~ how cute" I say in a playful manner, "mmn..." he buries his face into my shoulder, "*sigh* I promise I won't do anything stupid again" I say as I stroke his hair, "good..." he mumbles quietly into my shoulder, "lets go?" I offer him my hand, "mm!" he holds my hand tightly, it was like he never wanted to let me go. 

The sun had begun to set, beautiful shades of pink, orange and yellow stained the skies of Liyue, the cranes and swallows dip and glide back to their nests, their song gently echoing in my ears. "So..." Chongyun begins after a few moments of walking, "I received an invite from Hu Tao inviting us to a meal at Xinyue Kiosk for the Lantern Rite, should we make our way down?" I nod, Yueshu greets us with a warm smile, "good evening gentlemen! Director Hu is waiting for you!" she opens the door and gestures us to go in, "thank you ma'am" I say, giving her a soft smile. "Yoo hoo! There you are!" Hu Tao rushes over to us, "come sit!" she points us to two empty seats, I take my place. We were soon joined by Zhongli, Xiao, Aether, Xiangling, and Venti. Everyone begins talking amongst themselves, talking about different things, such as exorcism, rocks, minerals, agriculture... moments later, the food was served, delicious aromas snake up my nostrils. There was squirrel fish, rice buns, Jueyun Chili soup, pork dumplings, dragon beard noodles, and Tianshu meat. Mm... I help myself to the dumplings, the soft pastry... the juicy filling... mm... it sends my body into a state of pure bliss and satisfaction, "hey Xingqiu" Chongyun says nudging me, "mm?" I turn around, he takes a piece of carrot in his chopsticks and tries to feed it to me, "nononononono not carrots!" I exclaim, blocking my face, Chongyun smiles smugly, "say ahhh~" he says in a teasing manner. "noooooooo" he moves the chopsticks away, "fine fine~" he eats the carrot himself. I had an absolute loathing towards carrots, my mother used to mash them into a porridge like mixture and- ugh, thinking about it makes me want to throw up. After the meal, everyone says their goodbyes and disperse. "Ah... I'm so tired" I say rubbing my temples, "sleep at my place?" Chongyun offers, I smile "I thought you'd never ask" he and I made our way to a cosy residence near Wuwang Hill, "you live so close to Wuwang Hill..." I say with a slight hint of concern, "yeah... I have special incense on my fences, it fends any evil spirits off" true to his word, there were sticks emitting smoke decorated all over his fence. 

The floors and walls were made out of Cuihua wood, the chairs and tables made of bamboo, the bedsheets were threaded together with silk flowers, Chongyun changes into his casual clothes and hands me his spare set, "thank you my love" I head into the bathroom to change, when I come out Chongyun was laying on his bed with a smile on his face, "are you going to stand there like a stick? Or are you going to join me?" he says with a smirk, I chuckle and make my way to the bed. I lay down and press my body close to his, he places gentle kisses on my face and wraps his arms around me. "I care about you a lot... please be careful" he whispers softly, I bury my face into his chest, "my yunyun... my forever love"

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