Stars [Scaramouche x Mona]

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Scaramouche POV: 

Tsk, another annoying day... I make my way down to the riverside, the sun beats down as the sound of water echoes in my ears. I stare out at the large body of water, watching the water ripples gently wash up on the rocks, "Finally! I almost died waiting..." I turned around to see a dark haired girl walk towards me, she was dressed...quite oddly. She wore her hair in two ponytails and an astrology-like bodysuit with a witch hat, my eyes flicker "What do you want?" I say coldly. She flips her hair, "Agh, why so cold? It is I, Astrologist Mona Megistus or the great astro-" I cut her off, "Yeah yeah whatever, stars are a hoax... a lie..." her face darkens but then returns to normal "Hear me out, astrology can never lie, and I saw a prediction that you and I were written in the stars..." my brain explodes with a million thoughts. Me...and her? Together? No. "I do not have time for these useless activities, I suggest you entertain someone else" I began to walk away, when I was just almost out of ear shot I heard her say "The stars never lie..." Tch, as if.

As I lay in bed that night, her words were engraved in my mind, maybe we were destined to be together? The, even if they're not real maybe they hide other reasons such as pre-determined fate? No no no no, don't even go there... I sigh and roll over on my left side, I really need some sleep. The following morning I am at Liyue to monitor Fatui activity there. I walk out of Wangshu Inn and am immediately knocked down by someone who reeks of alcohol, I fall on my back and I sit up and see it was that astrologist from yesterday, "Mona? Hey! What are you doing? Get off me!" I say as I try to push her off, "Scara..." she slurs and looks at me through half lidded eyes, a crimson blush covers her cheeks, she collapses unconscious on me, oh great... I try to heave her up so she is sitting and leans her against the nearby wall, I squint, she is pretty cute and peaceful when she's asleep. Suddenly, my heart rate increases like it's going to jump out of my chest, and blood rushes to my face, ugh what is this? I thump my chest a few times and shake my head, the feeling slightly subsides, I carry her back into Wangshu Inn and lay her down on the bed in my room, I look at her sleeping face again before leaving for my duties.

When I returned it was evening, and she was still asleep on my bed, I sigh loudly. I guess I have no choice... I position myself on the bed as far away from her as possible, leaving a gap between us. I couldn't fall asleep, these strange feelings keep invading my heart and I've never experienced this before, soon I scooched closer to her and I wrap an arm gently around her waist and I sigh and say softly "You're weird Mona... really weird... you make my heart skip a beat, you may as well made the Balladeer fall for you..." I glance at her briefly before closing my eyes. Little did I know, she wasn't fully asleep and heard the whole thing...

The next morning my eyes flutter open and I see my bed is empty again, was it all a dream? Mm, her scent is still on the pillow... then where did she go? I got up and started making my way towards Starsnatch Cliff in Mondstadt, it had the best views of the stars and galaxies so I figured that may as well be a possible location where I could find Mona. The green grass is soft and gentle under my feet as the wind brushes past my face, the sun has just begun its descent. I walk near to the edge of the cliff and I see a figure standing there admiring the panoramic view Mondstadt had to offer, "M-Mona...?" I say uncertainty, she turns around and her eyes light up "Scara?" I take a deep breath and clears my throat, "Mona... I love you" I say and immediately look away, I couldn't meet her eyes, I feel a soft hand squeeze mine, I jolt a little a feeling of love and warmth spreads through my chest. "I love you too Scara" she says and embraces me, a tiny gasp escapes my lips for the first time in my life, I felt wanted, loved and safe. I wrap my arms around her as a happy tear leaves my eye, I pull away for a moment and I take her face in my hands gently, I stare into her beautiful pale green eyes, her eyes are like emeralds where I could just lose myself in them, I lean in close and I kiss her, with all the passion and love I have been concealing. Her lips are soft and full of hope, also with a hint of apricot. I pull away and a slight blush seeps across my cheeks "Wow..." she says quietly and gives me a little smile. We both sit down at the edge of the cliff and stare off into the stars that twinkle down at us, I break the silence by saying "Hm...maybe we really are...written in the stars...". Mona smiles and leans into me as the sun finishes it's descent, I have finally found my happiness...finally. 

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