Suspect to Lover [Kazuha x Heizou]

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Heizou POV:

"Shikanoin Heizou! Urgent request from the Tenryou Commission!" the messenger came with a postcard, I took it and read it carefully. Apparently, there was a samurai-like guy with a red streak in his hair loitering outside an out of bounds area, and refused to leave, huh okay... I picked up my pace and read the description as I went. Majority of the hair is white, tied up into a low ponytail, maple leaf themed outfit, okay... I approached the guard at the location, "Morning, Detective Heizou checking in for the trespasser incident" he nodded and I entered the area. The sand crunched under my feet as I walked, the sun shone as onikabuto laid their eggs on the tree branches, I suddenly heard a shrill noise and the sound of a person speaking. I went right into spy mode and crouched down low, and crept closer towards the noise.

"Solitary cloud..." they had a calm voice as they recited a haiku, I made out a shape of a person. As I edged even closer, I saw he matches the exact description of the person. I approached him, "um, excuse me sir..." I began. He spun around, I don't know what kind of physics were working then, but time suddenly slowed down, his eyes glimmered under the sunlight shining with hope, his hair elegantly blew in the wind, and he had the prettiest smile I've ever seen in my life. I was brought back down to earth when he snapped his fingers in front of my face, "Ah, I'm sorry" I said awkwardly "I was sent here by the Tenryou Commission because you are trespassing into a dangerous area" he raised an eyebrow. "Sigh, fine fine, I'm going~" I began to escort him out, until I heard rustling, then a roar! A big crocodile like creature with purple and blue scales slithered it's way to the suspect and I, my vision flickers as I lunged forward delivering many powerful anemo punches, within no time the creature was upside down on it's back, it's legs are flailing in the air as I grabbed his hand and ran off the scene. "See? This is why you shouldn't go to out of bounds areas" I said breathlessly as we reached a safe spot under a maple tree in Ritou, "Yes, my apologies, I'm Kaedehara Kazuha, and you must be the famous detective Shikanoin Heizou~" he spoke in a way that made my heart flutter. We shook hands and parted ways, later I was commissioned to help Beidou clean up the ship and examine some antiques that were found in the middle of the ocean.

"AHOY THERE! SHIKANOIN HEIZOU HERE FOR THE CLEAN UP AND INSPECTION" I yelled up at the man standing on the mast, he gave me a thumbs up and let down the bridge. I walked up the creaky bridge and went to look for a broom, suddenly a little kid called Little Yue came up to me, "Hello! I've never seen you around before! I'm just a kid who knows everything about everyone on the ship" I greeted him with a warm smile. "So, what can you tell me?" I asked curiously, "Well..." he said, eyeing everyone carefully. " I can only tell you a little bit! Captain Beidou recently invited a cool looking man called Kazuha on board, he occasionally comes with us on voyages sailing between Liyue and Inazuma. I heard him almost every night in his cabin reciting this person's name over and over while covering his face in embarrassment and turning somehow red" I raise my eyebrow, this is interesting intel... "What's the name?" I said, I need to play my cards carefully, I mustn't raise any suspicions. "I don't remember it that well, but it was something like Shika something Heizou" I felt all the air in my lungs disappear, oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh. Sweat banded my forehead as I said to Little Yue, "Oh, okay, thanks for telling me! I gotta get back to uh, sweeping and examiningggg.." I left behind a cloud of dust as I grabbed a broom from the cupboard, I felt so happy my heart and soul was dancing. I sweeped the decks like an ice skater before heading up to the front of the ship where a wooden table with the antiques lay, I pull out my magnifying glass and begin to take notes.

"It has a pale but smooth texture, possibly retrieved in a hurry from the collapse, could potentially have people's ashes left behind on it, I sense slight electro energy, and can visually see abyss mage hand prints. Scientific name abylecse demise." I wrote this down three times in my notebook, I gave one copy to Captain Beidou, one copy to the Tenryou Commission, and one copy for myself to investigate further. As I was walking to a statue of the seven to recover some HP, I heard that familiar squeaking leaf tune, it must be Kazuha! I followed the direction of the tune, I walked quietly up to him, "Kazuha~~" I whispered in his ear, "HEIZOU!" he said happily, he hugged me tightly, and I hugged him back. "I love you Kazuha'' I said, making a brave move. His face registered shock, then it softened into a smile, "I love you too Heizou~" he whispered in my hair.

I closed my eyes in happiness and felt the warmth from his body. "How about we go to Inazuma city this evening?" I said quietly, he squeezed me gently, I took it as a yes.

Later that evening, I redid my hair and headed straight to the Komore Teahouse as promised, the doorbell jingled as I walked in, "reservation for Kazuha and Heizou?" I asked the waiter, "Yes yes, come with me!" he said and beamed at me, he took me to a small room with puffy cushions on the floor and a dark brown table with hand woven bamboo mats and incense that smelled like sakura petals and naku weeds. Two antique cups were set out with a teapot. The steam was slowly rising up into the air, like it was dancing almost. "Look who arrived early..." I turned to see Kazuha in a beautiful yukata, his hair was tied into a higher ponytail with a waterfall of hair falling beneath it, "you look amazing~" I said, slightly breathless. He smiled and gave me a few butterfly kisses before the first date commenced. I poured the tea in his cup first then mine, to show an appropriate amount of respect. We chatted the night away sipping tea, and feeding each other sushi. By 10PM, we were both full and decided to take a refreshing walk outside in Chinju Forest. He and I intertwined our fingers and exchanged stories, I told him about my detective cases, and he told me everything I needed to know about nature. Before we parted ways to call it a night, he passed me a piece of paper, and told me to not open it until I get home.

I thanked him, we exchanged one final kiss before we both disappeared back into our homes. I sat on the bed and opened the note, it was a haiku it read:

"My dear other half, an accidental meeting, I love you Heizou~" 

I shed a single tear of joy, as I folded the note neatly and placed it by my bedside. Before, turning off the lamp, and diving into the world of dreams.

NOTE: It took me 10 minutes to make up that haiku... 

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