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ZOEY AKILA bennet ! sugarhill, zoey's crib featuring; @itszoeyb

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ZOEY AKILA bennet !
sugarhill, zoey's crib
featuring; @itszoeyb .

THE MORNING SUNLIGHT gently filters through the curtains, zoey finds herself nestled in the cozy comfort of her bed. with a sense of contentment, she leisurely scrolls through pinterest, her fingertips delicately navigating the screen.

every small thing that catches her eye, she eagerly saves to her ever-growing collection on her unorganized board.

having just awoken from a restful slumber, zoey relishes in the blissful realization that there is no school today. with a touch of laziness lingering in the air, she remains ensconced in the sanctuary of her room, savoring the tranquil solitude.

the gentle rhythm of her breathing intertwines with the soft rustle of blankets as she luxuriates in the simple pleasure of being still. the world outside her bedroom walls beckons, yet zoey feels a soothing reluctance to venture beyond her personal haven.

jhene aiko's melodic tunes fill zoey's room with a tranquil and serene atmosphere. her voice, like a gentle breeze, resonates with warmth and tenderness, as she effortlessly sings each note with heartfelt emotion.

the room becomes a sanctuary, a haven of tranquility, as jhene's music wraps around zoey like a comforting embrace. the soft strumming of the guitar strings reverberates against the walls, creating a subtle rhythm that syncs with the rhythm of zoey's breathing. it's a moment of pure serenity, where time seems to slow down, allowing zoey to bask in the beauty of the morning and the soulful melodies that fill the room.

as jhene's voice effortlessly rises and falls, her lyrics weave tales of love, self-discovery, and the intricacies of life. each word carries a profound meaning, resonating with zoey's own experiences and emotions, offering a sense of solace and understanding. the music becomes a soundtrack to zoey's thoughts.

the morning light dances playfully, casting soft shadows that sway to the rhythm of the music. the room is adorned with a few scattered notebooks and art supplies, it was messy but still a bit put together.

the combination of jhene's heartfelt music and the artistic ambiance creates a serene sanctuary where inspiration flourishes.

as the music softly fades, leaving a lingering sense of calming for the morning. jhene aiko's enchanting melodies have provided a gentle start to the morning, filling zoey's room with a peaceful and introspective energy that will linger throughout the day, reminding her of the beauty of simplicity and the power of music to touch the soul.

zoey found herself deeply immersed in her own world, a realm where her thoughts and musings held her undivided attention. lost in the labyrinth of her mind, she remained blissfully unaware of the incoming call that awaited her on her trusty phone.

minutes ticked by unnoticed as she continued to navigate the intricate pathways of her thoughts.

it wasn't until the very last moment, when the call's incoming notification flashed brightly on her phone screen, that her attention was abruptly jolted back to reality.

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