The last favor

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She couldn't breathe, one second she was holding her hand, and the next she was just gone.

EMI never really thought about how cruel death could be until now. Her heart just died. She had Eri's belonging in her hands and was staring at Eri's phone.

The hospital already called the two men she called father. This would be unnecessary for them and her if she called them.

They have now taken Eri's body to prepare it for identification. This was stupid.

She knew that this was Eri, everyone would know that it was her. You couldn't see her eyes, but her black hair was still there.

Emi has never felt this empty before, she couldn't even cry. There was just nothing anymore.

However, she still had something to do, she waited and waited. Until they both arrived, and then she felt guilty. Looking at the two men who truly loved Eri as much as she has.

This was all her fault. They could have met in the morning and Eri would have now been sleeping home dreaming. However, she wasn't and was now lying down the hall inside an unfamiliar room on a cold bed. Her body is cold and never going to take another breath.

" They didn't tell us what happened if it was another bar fight, I swear she is back on being grounded." Koko let annoyed out.

" If she has won, then all is good." Emi bit her lip.

" Your wrong." They both looked at her.

" Koko is usually wrong-" Eri cut Seishu off and looked at Eri's phone that was clenched in her hands.

" She's dead." The words came out in a whisper, but both could hear it in the silent hall.

" Emi I know that you guys have a different sense of Humor, but we are getting worried." Seishu tried to touch her shoulder and to look at her face.

He saw the tears rolling down her face.

" No." He looked for a doctor and walked away from the two. Emi was left alone with Koko who was blankly staring down the hall.

" Are these her things?" Emi knew what he meant and put the phone inside the purse. Koko slowly reached for the purse and the moment his finger touched it his tears started.

Emi just continued looking at the floor. Then she felt two arms around her.

" It's alright." He patted her head and her tears were now falling freely. She was sobbing on his shoulder, and Koko let silent tears fall.

" I'm sorry." These were the only words she let out.

The day of Eri's funeral came faster than it should have. Emi was looking in the mirror and was met with red eyes. Eri would have made a joke that she was stoned.

She reached for a pair of black sunglasses, which Eri would have approved. There was a knock on the door and she knew that they needed to leave.

This would be the last time before Eri was officially dead. Well, it would make it all just real, and Eri couldn't handle that now. No, she could never handle a world without Eri.

When they arrived, everyone was silent. No one was making a sound, and Emi knew Eri would have beat them all up.

Joking that this would be immortality and that she now has died hot. She saw the people who kidnapped Eri. Maybe they truly cared about her, but it's not like it mattered her heart died.

On the other side of the room were the mentioned people silent. No words were shared, and they just sat down. They waited for the moment Eri would jump out and say it was a prank.

However, this moment never came. Mikey stared at the coffin blankly. The brothers were silent for once. Izana looked uncomfortable and fidgeted with his hands. Kisaki was looking at the picture that was chosen. Kakucho had tears filling his eyes, but left them there. Koko and Seishu were dead, their eyes red and a new void inside their hearts. Death wasn't a stranger to them, but every time they met her, it hurt like a bitch.

The first people slowly left, and after that more and more until the only people there were Mikey, Koko, Seishu, and Emi.

She walked over to the couple and bowed, they both nodded, not having the energy to stand up.

" I'm here to follow the favor that Eri asked of me." These words made them both be glued to her lips. Wanting to know things that would make her exist ins longer in this world.

" She wanted me to say, 'thank you'." They both nodded and thanked her. After a few minutes, the two stood up and left. Outside, they let their tears fall once again, they have lost their daughter without making it official.

Emi walked over to Mikey, who was looking at the coffin. She sat down next to him.

" Did she also leave words for me?" Mikey asked without any emotions.

" No, she already told you everything that she would have wanted to tell you." Mikey nodded at her words.

" She may have not said this, but I know that she truly loved you, as much as she could because of her hatred for love." She didn't get a response and soon left. A few hours later, Mikey was kicked out and staring at the moon.

This night a house was burned down by him and the killing started. Another failed storyline that could have been fixed.


next chap. Is the bittersweet ending and last chapter.

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